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Howdy, wonderful people!

Are you tired of containers that don't have ridiculously over-complicated mechanisms to open the lid?  Me too!  Fortunately, the Myriad Vessel comes to the rescue, with layers of rotating bits, gears both large and small and lots of angles and protrusions!

Now, there's a good reason for some of this complexity.  Okay, a reason, at least!  I'd been attempting a curved-lid gear-driven box for a while, and finally put together something that just had that small gear you see there on top, and that had a handle attached to it.  It worked!  

But it was a bit of a pain, since the small cog necessitated quite a lot of turning.  Also, it didn't look complicated enough.  Wait, I was pretending that wasn't the motivation!  Anyway, where were we - oh yes, the gearing!  By integrating another, larger gear the turning was dramatically reduced and the whole thing became much more usable.  The large gear and small gear are both capable of driving both the lid and each other, but the large gear has a much nicer handle :)  

Filament note: The colouring is just a good old filament swap!  Bambu marble PLA and grey tough PLA.

As you can see, you can actually store stuff in the Myriad Vessel!  But not a lot of stuff, because a lot of the volume is taken up with extremely necessary gears and moving parts.

Print Description

The Myriad Vessel is an articulated print so be careful of print issues like stringing and overextrusion that might cause moving parts to bind together!

Print Dimensions

The Myriad Vessel occupies 217mm x 207mm on the print bed and is 116mm tall.

Supports Needed?

Not at all!  Designed for straightforward printing!


The tolerances on this model are fairly generous, so it should take some scaling down without too many issues if you're careful about print quality.  I've printed it at 80% and it worked quite nicely!  It'll scale up, too, with the usual consequences that things will be come looser as things get larger.

Print Orientation

The Myriad Vessel prints on its side, with the protruding cog and handle facing upwards.

File Location

You'll find this one at at 541 Myriad Vessel

Link to dropbox post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/31697592

Further Thoughts

I'm glad I finally got this thing working!  Curved gear lids have haunted me for a while now, and I needed to get it out of my head and into printed form!

Also, I've included a photo of the 80% version I printed, mostly because it's printed in an amazing filament that Alex at ProtoPasta made for me, with multiple tones of dark grey.  So industrial! 😍

Happy printing!






This is unnecessarily AMAZING! I love how complicated it appears to be yet so easy to operate. Great job.


Hey Sven, do you have any recommendations on print settings - I've tried to print the model on a few different printers and I've had either outright failures on the large inner gear, or it has welded inside the large gear as well, making it impossible to turn