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Hi hi, wonderful people!

It's almost Halloween already, and so let's pretend that that has something to do with me putting skulls on things! :D  Yes, it's a tiny poison bottle, and it's a model to be printed in that most spooky of printing modes: vase mode!  

This is a quick little print, and it comes complete with a vase mode lid to screw on top.

Now, the nice thing about screw tops is that they deal with scaling pretty well!  So, you can scale this up a fair bit without too much drama.  It's a fairly coarse thread, so you'll have to scale it up quite a lot before you run into any issues of the lid fitting!  And even then, you can just scale the lid just a little less than the bottle itself to fix things!

The trickiest part of this design was actually the angles on the swirly lines and the skull and crossbones!  I like to keep vase mode angles at no more than 45 degrees, but that means that placing a design like that on a face that's already angled constrains the amount of further angling-outwards we can do in order to make the design visible.  From memory, I had 36 degrees to play with, but it was enough, and the detail came out quite nicely!  

I don't always know for sure that such things will work (and sometimes they really just don't, and those designs get buried in my Probably Not For Release Ever folder), so it's often a nice surprise when test prints do actually look like they're supposed to!

Print Description

This is a vase mode print so set your slicer accordingly!  Being vase mode, the lid and main body will need to be printed separately.

Print Dimensions

At default size, the bottle is 31mm x 31mm on the print bed and 66mm tall.

Supports Needed?

Not at all!  Designed for straightforward printing!


Yep, scale it to your heart's content!  Read the bit at the top about the lid fitting, though.

Print Orientation

The bottle prints right-way-up, and the lid prints upside-down.

File Location

You'll find this one at at 555 Deadly Poison Bottle

Link to dropbox post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/31697592

Further Thoughts

I really do like these kinds of little screw-lid things.  Don't be surprised if more pop up soon, especially with Halloween as an excuse!

Spooky printing!






Is a threaded cap that looks like a cork a possibility?


Ooh, maybe! Probably not for this one, though, the dimensions are too tight. But I like the idea of a vase mode cork :D


fwiw - I couldn't fit the cap on when I printed them both at 100% with a Bambu X1C. Trying to reprint the cap at 101.5% - nifty design!


At 101.5% they fit (though they were snug in my case). :shrug: Thanks for the great work as always.