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  • Temporary note, August 2023: Printables reminder!  If you were thinking of switching over to Printables, now's a good time before Patreon does the next billing cycle!  Printables is working out nicely so far, and the team there has been really positive and responsive to feedback!  Check it out here: Clockspring Printables.  Okay onwards to the actual post!

Hey there, wonderful people!

By popular request, here's a version of the Compass Tome and Skull Tome that can be printed on a single-colour printer, in parts, and can then be glued together into a glorious multicoloured whole!

This model was, of course, not designed to be split into different coloured parts, so it was a bit of a challenge to deconstruct it in a way that kept the parts reliably printable and also allowed for a robust, functional end result!

The main tome body prints in the same orientation as usual, with the cover open, but now it has an abundance of tabs and slots for orienting parts as they're glued on.  The order of attachment is largely arbitrary except for one thing - the main page shell should slide on and be glued before the back corners are glued into place, or else it might be tricky to get it in there! 

One obvious warning - be careful with glue around the moving parts!  When you're adding the small page parts to the lid, covering the hinge hole, make sure to keep glue away from that hinge!  It's probably worth moving the hinge back and forth a bit while glue is setting, just to make doubly sure it isn't being glued into place!

Make sure to test-fit the corner pieces before gluing!  They're all different, and it'll be obvious if they're in the right spots or not.  It's definitely worth test-fitting them, especially if you're using a fast-setting glue.  

The corners and the cover detail (both the Skull and the Compass are provided) loosely fit onto protruding tabs to keep them in place while the glue sets.

Print Description

The main part of the tome is an articulated model, so make sure there are no print issues like overextrusion or stringing that might bind moving parts together!  

The page models are thin and tall - you might want to consider a brim when printing those.

You might get some scruffiness on the tome in the spots where the strap pieces will be glued on.  This is designed for, and the glued-on strap has quite a reasonable amount of tolerance to ensure that it will fit just fine over the top.  

Supports Needed?

Not at all!  Designed for straightforward printing!


This one really isn't intended for scaling, and you'll probably run into quite a few issues if you try it.  But you should try it anyway, for science!  And fun!

Print Orientation

The parts print as shown in the photo: Main tome with cover open and vertical, Main page shell and cover detail right-way-up.  Straps print on a flat face and the corners print on their sides.

File Location

You'll find this one at at 556 Assembly Tomes

Link to dropbox post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/31697592

Happy printing!






Im switching over to printables as well. I like the file management view a lot better.


Thank you for this. Can't wait to try them out!


I'm having an issue with the files why are multiple parts in one stl file ?


what size are the magnents


6x3mm, you can find them on Aliexpress and other places. I nearly ordered some, but decided not to because I have small children and a lot of pets and magnets can be quite dangerious to them if swallowed, unfortunately.