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Howdy, wonderful people!

That Fidget Skull was a fascinating thing to explore, but it made a terrible bracelet!  These much more purpose-designed things work far better, even if they feature fewer skulls.

Now, the first thing you'll notice is that these are vase mode, but have no bottom layers.  You could of course print with bottom layers and then tear that bottom part off, but just switching to vase mode, then setting bottom layer count to zero is much better, and you can always add a brim if things are dicey in the adhesion department.

So, how do these behave?  Well, they're somewhat springy, but they can only expand as much as the top and bottom profile allows, those being the narrowest points, even though the middle parts have a lot more room to move.  They're very flexible, though, because all those wobbly lines act like hinges, and there's no bottom layer to hold everything rigid.

The inside is curved, much like the outside, but with far less curvature - just enough to make it comfortable and to avoid the top and bottom edges pressing into skin.

These Eclipse Bracelets are (relatively) robust as far as vase mode prints go, thanks to the flexing and stretching occurring parallel to the layer lines, but it's still just a single wall of plastic and it's not hard to break them intentionally!  

Print Description

This is a vase mode print, so set your slicer accordingly!  Also, turn your bottom layers off :)

Print Dimensions

Each bracelet occupies 83mm x 83mm on the print bed and is 28mm tall.

Supports Needed?

Not at all!  Designed for straightforward printing!


This will scale happily up or down!  In fact, you'll probably want to scale it to suit the wearer so that it fits well and doesn't require undue stretching to get on and off.

Print Orientation

The Eclipse Bracelets print side-down, like a vase mode bowl might, but without the bottom layers!

File Location

You'll find this one at at 567 Eclipse Bracelets

Link to dropbox post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/31697592

Further Thoughts

Despite the opening paragraph on this one, I must confess that bracelets were not the original intention that led to this design!  I was exploring other ideas that involved vase mode without bottom layers, and bracelets just presented themselves as a consequence of that and demanded to be printed.  I have a multitude of other random vase mode shapes lying around me as I type this, though, all stretchy and flexy in different ways, and I'm sure they'll make another appearance before too long...

Happy printing!






These printed really well. Had to slow it down on the P1P a lot but still only an hour to print. And the wife loved. Especially in dual or tri color filament. For larger hands, I guess I just need to scale up in the X / Z slightly?


anyone recognize the filament used in the image clockspring posted here?