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Howdy, wonderful people!

As requested, we now have insert options for the recently-published Tentacle Treasure Chest!  Specifically, there are following:

1) Two upright trays that fit together into the chest.

2) Two trays that fit one on top of the other and which are each divided into small parts.

3) A single insert that occupies the whole volume, and which can be used as the basis of custom inserts, should you be so inclined.

The tolerances on the inserts are the same as the hinges in the model - 0.5mm - so they should fit snugly but without being difficult to remove. 

Print Description

These inserts are all regular mode prints.

Print Dimensions

Smaller than the treasure chest, thankfully! :) 

Supports Needed?

Not at all!  Designed for straightforward printing!


You'll want to print these at the same scale you printed the Tentacle Treasure Chest!

Print Orientation

Each insert prints base-down.

File Location

You'll find this one in a subfolder under 609 Tentacle Treasure Chest

Link to dropbox post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/31697592

Happy printing!





Mike Sprague

Can I make a request? Could you make a version of both the top and bottom versions with no dividers in them?


Done! You'll find undivided versions in the same folder as the existing ones. I've added a lip to the short edges of the bottom tray so that it can be removed more easily. I haven't test printed them yet, so please do let me know if you encounter anything untoward!


help just finished the Tentacle treasure chest .Looks awsome But lid does not want to move . Anyone have any ideas how to free it without breaking ??