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Hello there, my favourite people!

Twisty triangular boxes!  It's fun to take a fairly conventional shape and distort it into something more fun and less practical!  All this actually started with the small version of the box, a little triangular case with a significant twist to it that includes spots for magnets to hold it closed.  Once I'd worked out an approach to the geometry for the small one, though, I wondered how things would scale up.

You'll notice in the photos that there are actually four different versions of the large one, and they differ in the degree to which they're twisted.  I was exploring how different things turned out with different degrees of distortion, and figured I'd just include the full set seeing as they already existed.  However, the best ones are obviously the extremes - the least and most twisted versions!  

The twistiest one (that's literally the file name) takes a little practice to get together without things jamming up.

Print Description

These are regular-mode prints!  Infill won't really matter much because it's mostly perimeters.

Print Dimensions
The outer part of the Mini Sharktooth Box occupies 61mm x 36mm on the print bed and is 40mm tall.

The outer part of the Twistiest Sharkooth Box occupies 119mm x 59mm on the print bed and is 101mm tall.

Supports Needed?

None at all!  Friendly angles, designed for straightforward printing.

Optional Magnets

As usual, these are designed for 6x3mm cylindrical magnets, should you choose to use them.


The magnet holes will be the main problem with scalaing!  The fit between the inner and outer parts will also be looser or tighter with scale, as you can imagine.  The fit between them at their default size is reasonably generous, however.

Print Orientation

Inners and outers both print with their only flat side down, like so:

File Location

You'll find this one at at 647 Sharktooth Box

Link to dropbox post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/31697592

Further Thoughts

My favourite of these remains the small one, which is just so fidget-friendly!  And by fidget-friendly I mean you can make delightful scraping plastic sounds with it endlessly.

Happy printing!





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