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Texture is a wonderful thing!  Not just the knurling, but the smooth curves of the inside of the small version of this cylindrical screw-top case - it's yet another model that can double as a tactile fidget object.

I often make things that never really see the light of day, either because they're ideas that never really worked out in practice or because it simply doesn't occur to me that anyone else might be interested in some little container.  This one is an example of the latter, or almost was, except someone asked in Discord for recommendations for a toothpick container.  I looked down at the little case with which I was fidgeting, then did some research on how long international standard toothpicks might be.... 

Print Description

This is a regular mode print!  Infill won't matter too much because it's mostly perimeters!

Print Dimensions

The tubes occupy 43mm x 43mm on the print bed.  The tall version is 74mm tall and the small one is 24mm tall.

Supports Needed?

Not at all!  Designed for straightforward printing!


This one should scale up fairly well, as screw mechanisms cope with increasing tolerance gaps quite neatly.  It'll scale down, too, but the thread will get correspondingly tighter.

Print Orientation

The case prints right-way-up and the lid prints upside-down, like so:

File Location

You'll find this one at at 646 Knurled Case

Link to dropbox post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/31697592

Further Thoughts

You get bonus points if you noticed that I used cocktail sticks rather than toothpicks in the photos!  

Happy printing! :)


