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Okay, wonderful people, one more bolted polyhedron, and now my to-do list is done!  Well, the one about bolted polyhedra, at least :P

Yep, it's a cuboctahedron!

Made up of squares and equilateral triangles, each vertex is still identical, which means we still only need one corner bracket design (yay!).  

So, for this one you'll need:

* Eight triangles

* Six squares

* 12 cuboctahedron corner brackets

* 48 bolts

The brackets are oriented so that the long axis points along the same direction as the triangle... okay, that's not the best description, but there are only two ways to to it, and one won't work, so it'll be pretty quickly apparent whether it's correct :P

You know, in theory, I expected I would just print new brackets for each of these, and use the same parts I'd printed before.  In practice, I don't have the heart to pull them apart, so I print all the faces and bolts I need for each new structure :)

And so, there we are!  This has been one of those things that's been trundling along in the background while I was making things like the Vault Box, and it's great to finally have them sitting here in front of me in all their bolted splendour!

Like I said in the icosahedron post, I'm open to suggestions if anyone's excited for any particular polyhedron.  As you can probably tell, I'm far too easily led on things like this :)

You'll find this model under Bolted Cube on dropbox, in a folder called, not surprisingly, Cuboctahedron.

Have fun!  I sure did :)






Brilliant!! Thank you. My grandsons will love these.

Cathy O'Malley

Yes, yes, yes, That will be my weekend project.

Cathy O'Malley

Are all the bolted ones have the same bolts? I guess so because the corner brackets are all the same.


I think you should add the rhombic tricontahedron to the list. all the faces would be the same, and just two different connector modules. it'd be a big one though


That's awesome! Totally doable... I'm also really tempted by the truncated icosahedron, but that will likewise be huge :)