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Chai didn't ask why Peppermint waited to replace 808's broken eye until he himself got a new one, nor why it was a different color when she finally did. But he had a shrewd idea...


Seeing Chai with two 'regular' arms is weird. But I think that, if he had to get a new robot arm anyway, they'd give him a high-tech one like the Roquefort had.  He was only given the trash collector arm before cause that's all they thought he was good for. I reckon he's proven otherwise since. 

The leg.... is a work in progress. Maybe he tried to keep his real one at first but then it kept giving him trouble so...  *chainsaw noises*

I also went ahead and drew Chai in that outfit with the long sleeve and glove so he could hide the scars on his arm. I just don't think he'd find them quite as cool as the other ones.




This is the cutest thing ever!!!!! Getting to see them happy and recovering from the events of the comic makes my heart melt. Especially Peppermint giving them matching eyes, it's so sweet! It is weird to see Chai without the bulky arm but it looks good, I've definitely gotta draw this design once I catch up on all my WIPs. Might use this as my desktop wallpaper for now too!


awwww yeah it's the outfit that's tempting me to buy the deluxe edition because the jacket is just that good him and 808 getting matchy eyes is so precious, i love seeing them happy and recovered after being tossed into V1-RS's blender <3