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This page almost burned me out... Pun not intended.

And there you have it! Some of you already guessed correctly why V1-RS wants to tear Chai into a million tiny pieces. But it was the fact that Chai loved causing carnage that really drove V1-RS' into a psychotic rage. This whole extended chase and slowly widdling down at Chai's strength (and sanity) was as much of a party to V1-RS as fighting Vandelay's staff was to Chai.

Another early upload as I once again have places to be~




Well you know what they say, revenge is best served... blazing hot? I love how the composition makes the whole page feel brutal af, especially with V1-RS's words and how they seem to come out of each robot that gets taken out! I feel bad for it tho, poor bot had to experience firsthand years of abuse and now that it has the chance to get payback... Yeah, I totally get its motivations Also I've been wondering, is the font used for V1-RS hand-written? I love how somewhat shaky it feels!


Another late comment, sorry! Zine stuff + holidays eesh. But this page is beautiful! I love the colors and the paneling, especially the scenes of the robots being destroyed- the messy lines and vibrant colors look fantastic. I would love to see the WIPs here if you have them! In hindsight I probably should have figured it out why V1-RS was being so aggressive, but I got so swept up in the anticipation for each new page I stopped making theories and just enjoyed the comic. Is it just playing with Chai to torture him at this point? It could have gone for the neck instead of the calf after all.


Thank you! V1-RS isn't really meant to be a sympathetic kind of monster. It's an asshole in every sense of the word. But there's a piteous aspect to it. For V1-RS text I used the font 'Belizarius' as a base. but I often do quite a bit of editing to it to make it look more shakey and visceral.


It's fine! Holidays are quite busy for everyone. I should have accounted for that in my upload schedule. If I am still doing comics next year I think I'll do a Christmas break instead. Easier for everyone involved. I haven't saved many wips of the last few pages. Production of them was...Chaotic. But I think I may have had a snapshot of the top panel. I'll look for it and add it to this upload. As for V1-RS just playing with Chai... yeah... it is. In the same way of kids strapping a Barbie doll to fireworks. They don't expect it to survive, but are delighted when it does. Just so they can do it again.