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Chai you gotta stop doing that, I need you to last another 20 pages. I think I might have to draw some kind of reference sheet with all the stuff that's wrong with him and 808 because it's actually getting hard to keep track lol. 

Comments, as always, warmly welcomed and highly appreciated!

Also 30 page milestone! Yas! I included a WIP of the background for once. Almost a pity how much of it gets obscured once effects and color corrections are added. I'm debating on whether or not I should just take Photomode and cheat my way through some of this. I've done that twice before in the comic and nobody seemed to mind. It certainly would be faster to photo-bash rather than draw it all myself. I'd never considered something like that for my original projects but for a fan comic?... eeeh seems fair to cut some corners if I can.



Lysander Croix

RIP depth perception. Man that’s another ouchie for the chart of ‘Things Wrong With Chai’ lmao.


Poor 808! Once again enjoying the dynamic flow of the poses here! Great stuff!