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Instructions are submitted by other users and are not tested or officially endorsed by the developer at this time.

Drag the application to your Applications folder and run this in the terminal:  chmod +x /Applications/MonsterSouls_0.2.8_OSX.app/Contents/MacOS/MonsterSouls_0.2.8_OSX

Make sure the directory matches the name of the version you downloaded.

If you have other tips for getting it running for mac users feel free to share them in the comments.



has anyone tried the newest edition cuz all I am getting is You can’t open the application “MonsterSouls_0.2.9_OSX” because it may be damaged or incomplete.


I changed the name of the pathing, and the files but it didn’t work, I got it to work by copying and pasting the contents to a ned folder renaming that folder to (title).app and changing the MonsterSouls_0.2.9_mac to MonsterSouls_0.2.9_Mac, Mac with capital M

Steve Cuttlefish

Hello, I’ve never used terminal before… after using the “New Terminal at folder” method and typing out “chmod R 777”, I get a two rows of text that I don’t understand. How do I proceed?


I will try it later and comment on this if this still works. I am running macOS 12 beta on my Mac so if it runs on this it will also work on any other Mac.

Russell Benton

Yup, I am an apple dev and that's what did to get it working 😅

Ethan Herne

Yes, this worked


Any chance of Linux support?


Been following and supporting this project for a while, but have never given it a go. Is there anything special it needs to run on Linux?


I do not know, but if you find you need help with it I can make a post and see if anyone can offer assistance.


I found a different solution at another game which also works in this case, I personally find it more convenient, because you can leave the app wherever you prefer, so I'll share it below: 1. Right click on the application. 2. Select "New Terminal at folder". 3. At the Terminal command line, type “chmod -R 777 .”


I have tried both suggestions and neither are working... i moved the app to applications then in terminal i pasted " chmod +x /Applications/MonsterSouls_0.2.4_OSX.app/Contents/MacOS/MonsterSouls_0.2.4_OSX " i get " chmod: /Applications/MonsterSouls_0.2.4_OSX.app/Contents/MacOS/MonsterSouls_0.2.4_OSX: No such file or directory " i also tried the 1. Right click on the application. 2. Select "New Terminal at folder". 3. At the Terminal command line, type “chmod -R 777 .” did not work


Check that the filename is correct, if it's the latest version it should be MonsterSouls_0.2.5.1_OSX I think.


can someone take a video for me, I do not know how to deal with this