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Known issues:

  • Shop buy/sell confirmation popup is currently broken - fixed
  • Patron monument name popup was missing - fixed

A new build is here! Three new nsfw scenes have been added, two of them featuring new animations. These scenes within the Chapter Two dungeon require certain conditions to be met. One can be triggered in the mercenary camp if hero has obtained a certain reputation. The second one, requires doing a small 'quest' for your buddy. The third may happen if hero surrenders one too many times to the goblins, can he handle two?

The storyline content still ends after defeating the Faerie Prince. The storyline for this chapter should (hopefully) be wrapped up by the end of the year (or early 2022) so if you are waiting to see what happens after defeating the prince then keep an eye out for the upcoming builds.

As always let me know if you encounter any bugs while playing and feel free to give any feedback you may have!


  • Added save data for each dungeon
  • Added save data for treasure chests
  • Added save data for chimera gene settings
  • Save game popup on quit game
  • Mercenary Captain scene
  • Created goblin warrior variant
  • New goblin animations
  • New goblin battle scripts
  • New goblin scene
  • Buddy 2 animations
  • Buddy 2 quest and scene
  • Updated town layout a bit to fit Buddy 2, new Save Crystal, and future expansion
  • Updated visual cues for mercenary campfire and forest shrine transition
  • Minor optimizations for Chapter Two Dungeon

Save files from 0.2.3 should still be good but if your game won't load it's recommended to start a new one.

Download Links:

Windows: Link 

Windows 32: Link 

Mac: Link 

Linux: Link 

Note: I include Mac and Linux versions but I cannot test or offer technical support for these versions or even confirm whether or not they still work.

Keyboard Controls:

  • A,D or Arrow keys to move left and right
  • Space for Jump
  • Left Shift for Special Action(ie "Crouching" used with monster forms)
  • Left Ctrl for Dash
  • Q for character screen (Class, Equipment)
  • V for transform Menu
  • E for item quick menu (outside battle)
  • ESC for game options menu
  • F4 Skip scene, can skip through dialogue and scenes (It's a little buggy)

Controller can be used but it might be a little buggy right now (The selection cursor may disappear, use the mouse to select something again) See the input tab when you run the game for more options.



There is a bug where I can't buy items nor sell them. I tried making a new game too both from chapter 1 and 2, and tried shopping at the goblin camp, but nothing worked.


Yep seems like I did a dumb thing, thanks for reporting it. I can fix it quickly but I don't think I'll make a new build for just this issue but if any more game breaking bugs are found I will. For now avoid the shops.


Ok! Thank you ♡


Will we be seeing the wolves in the animation viewer eventually?


Yes when I get around to adding the unlock functionality. I'll probably look into this after finishing Chapter Two's story.


I've followed this for a while, but never really tried it out. I did today and quality wise it's looking really good ^^ You may have already been told this before but figured I'd throw it out there. The only thing I would comment on is that I don't like that the left mouse button (LMB) is being used as both the main attack button and interaction button. In games like BDO they use the right mouse buttons (RMB) for actual clicking items - just something to think about. It's kind of silly to try to click on an object and start slashing instead, which is compounded by the fact that you don't know what all is clickable. Another thing that could be helpful is some sort of hinting or highlighting objects when you hover over to know it's selected. Maybe I am missing something about input in the game and this is just me being silly :)


Thank you very much, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I actually separated the actions for attack and interact already and they have separate buttons on the gamepad but I think I forgot to give them separate inputs on the mouse. That's probably something I can correct in the next build. I will try to improve the visual cues when it comes to selecting and interacting with stuff in the future. Thanks for the feedback!


is this build bugged? cannot go to the goblin camp . and i noticed if u skip to chapter 2 the hero doesnt have skills. i have tried both trying to enter playign from the start and skip :/


If you start a new game you have to clear the slime dungeon before the goblin camp becomes available. If you choose the skip option, that starts you at the beginning of the second day and then the goblin camp is unlocked. I'm not sure what you mean that hero doesn't have skills, I think he starts at level 7 if you do the skip.


Hello! Are there tips on how to see the new NSFW scenes? I saw the goblin already but I was wondering more for the reputation one and the quest one.


Seems a bug when I sniff people in wolf form they seem to start talk in an endless loop which is difficult to escape, even when I walk away. People like the buddies in tavern and near tent.


This is a bug that can be activated in a lot of different ways. The problem is if the player input becomes un-paused then pressing the key to advance the dialog also initiates the interaction again queueing up a new dialog sequence, causing an endless loop until you try to run away. I will look into this particular case and fix it but I'll have to see if there's anything else I can do to prevent the player from accidentally gaining control in the future.


Well... the more people that hero assists, the more likely that he'll gain a reputation and people are going to want his services too, particularly in the mercenary company. So get out there and help people! If you are having trouble activating the buddy quest try talking to him again, people occasionally have more to say after the first dialog.


Ah, thanks! Also, I think I'm a bit slow. Do you have any hints to where to find the magazine for the quest? I've been searching the camp and even used the wolf form sniff. :o


It's somewhere in the goblin tree fort area, it's visible normally but partially obscured. I have to check if I added a scent to it, that's obviously one of the clues that's meant to be available but I might have missed it when I was wrapping up the quest.


I'm looking into this now, and I think I see what's going on. Do you recall if Ash's dialog balloon came up just before this was happening? I put that event on the main track and that's bad! 😬


Ive looked all around the camp but I still cant find the magazine. Even used wolf form to sniff everywhere and still no magazine. Is it in a tent or outside the fort?

Anthony La Rocco

I am having issue locating the item buddy nereds, can anyone help me find it?


What's the new goblin scene? Is it after submitting?


Ah yeah makes sense, I sniffed Ash a lot to see anything else would happen xD. And different buddy was in the way so he started talking too. Btw, when I ran away I was teleported back to the buddy, so seemed kind of impossible to escape loop.


After submitting a few times, you get multiple goblins ;)


Look specifically around the tree fort middle section of the goblin encampment. The next build will have improved scent markers that will make finding stuff a lot easier.


Look around the middle tree fort section of the goblin encampment. The next build will have improved scent markers that will make finding stuff a lot easier.


Hi! Just subbed on and enjoying immensely so far. Some small feedback - the Hero's speech balloon appeared off the top edge of the screen on a few occasions while playing on a non-windowed ultra wide resolution (believe it's 3440x1440). Playing the same scene (first slime dungeon) at 1080p windowed didn't cause the issue. Hope that helps and keep up the great work, looking forward to the future content!


Ah, those speech balloons are a real pain. I have to give it an in-depth look later on. Thanks for letting me know.


Are there plans for more prostitution stuff?The alley scene is like my favorite


Might I suggest making the pot at the beginning of Chapter 2 a bit more obvious for progression? I was confused for a bit when trying to figure out what to do after talking to the Faerie Mother. Loving this game so far! Just got into it recently. If at all possible, fast forwarding on scenes would be really nice, even the sex ones, and especially during battles. I also like how in the double Goblin scene most of the text is a textbox, so you have control over when it progresses. If something like that could be implemented in more of them, that would be great. Have you considered getting help on this project?


Noticing the Hero never rely gets to cum only drip. I think the hero has earned a shooter or two?


Good afternoon! Forgive me for my stupidity, but what is the password? I download the game, but to install it, it requires a password


That's strange, It shouldn't require a password and I haven't set one on it. What version did you download? Have you been able to unzip it?


I downloaded the Windows file, as soon as I downloaded it, the file asked for a password. Maybe I need to download Windows 32? Thank you for responding so quickly)


I re-downloaded the game and this time everything is fine. Sorry for wasting your time! And thank you for your efforts!


I was thinking that maybe you could add masturbation as a feature (which player can use anytime by pressin button) and it could serve as a way to heal after battle? Kind of like in the angel girl/witch girl etc games?


so i helped buddy and let lukka escort me home, but what else am i missing to get the "certain reputation"? im loving the game so far and i'm incredibly excited to find out what happens next chapter


If you go into the town in the back alley and check out the crate there is a scene that will boost the 'certain reputation' to the amount required to trigger the option for a scene at the mercenary captain tent.


Hi when can we expect the next update? Thank you for your amaizing work!


Is there any way to get Lukka to escort home the second time? :)