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Hello, darlings.

A small note of upcoming happiness, to brighten your Monday:  Cambion and I have set March 31st as our release date for Paradise Heights 1.2.  

On that date, our Regular Customer and higher Patrons ($5/month or more) will receive early access to the new content.  Our Tourist backers ($1) and the wider public will be able to get in on the action come April 14th.

As Cambion mentioned, the 1.2 update will be focusing on Lazren's return to Paradise Heights, your first performance evaluation, and several new mechanics (including the first part of our character customization system).  We'll post complete patch notes once things are finalized, so that you can see exactly what you're getting into.  This update will be somewhat 'story light' but heavier on mechanics and possibilities; other updates might include a great deal of added text content, but little to no changes and additions in the actual 'gameplay'.

And speaking of mechanics, oh, did we have an adventure this last week.  If you like technological mishaps, keep reading.  If you're here for the sex, tune out now and skip to the bottom.


Twine came out with a new version; we updated, and Cambion immediately found an error where attempting to rename a story failed.  This failure started a seeming chain of events that ended with Twine not working at all, and an 'Object has been destroyed' error that made it impossible to add any content to the story!  We chased that error around in circles for several days on his computer:  uninstalling, reinstalling, manual removal of the files, rolling back to earlier versions, system restore, etc.  Nothing resolved it. But my computer was fine... for a while.  Then I started having the same behaviour -- and I also couldn't find a solution.  We were both crippled.

We tried everything known to mankind on four different systems over an entire week, trying to isolate what on Earth was causing this, and why even uninstalling and rolling back wasn't resolving it.  The error message was very clearly something in Twine itself, and the underlying Javascript code.  I was down to thinking we'd literally have to re-install Windows, since we'd tried everything else and we had to do something to restore our ability to work.

And then Cambion found the problem:  Windows Defender.  The bloody anti-virus program.  For some god-forsaken reason, Windows Defender had decided Twine was malware and was blocking it from altering files -- but failed to tell us that it had flagged Twine as malware.  No alert, no quarantine, no 'this program is unsafe'.   Windows Defender just silently blocked it from saving files, which then made Twine error out that the file couldn't be saved, and thus triggering the 'Object has been destroyed' error internally.

I think we were both ready to scream at that point, but:  at least we were able to resume working again.  We didn't really need that week for actually making progress... right?  Sigh.


In any case, lovelies:  we'll be back at the end of the month with Lazren in tow, ready to see whether you've been working hard, working while hard, or hardly working at all.  Good boys and girls will get their reward... and those of you who disappoint will get their just desserts.





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