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Her eyes flicked to the desk. The second line was blinking red, which wasn’t unusual. What was unusual was the pattern. It was a quick, blinking pulse rather than a solid tone. Only one number in the world arrived to her that way. She turned her office chair back away from the window and chuckled into the phone. 

“…Sorry, darling. I’m afraid our time is up for this evening. Do get back to me when you’re ready to be serious. I’m interested, but you’re going to have to make it at least somewhat worth my while, otherwise why am I even getting out of bed? Ciao-ciao.” 

She reached over her desk, disconnected the call, and immediately flipped to the blinking second line.  As she moved, she picked the golden coin up from off her desk and ran it absently around her fingers. It wasn't like him to call unexpectedly -- not unless something had either gone very right, or very wrong. She had a good idea of which was more likely.  


She didn’t bother with the preamble. He had little tolerance for niceties outside of wining and dining a deal, and she had learned that long before the first telephone had stretched its wires from coast to coast.  

"My sister’s tower project is moving along.” He said softly. The phone distorted his voice, but the rich and deep tones still made it through just fine. Some things technology was no match for. “She found herself a protégé and they've begun to collect." 

“I see. That’s unexpected. Didn't you say you'd be shocked if she was operational before the ball dropped on the next decade?"

“I know. That’s the problem. I know my sister, and I know how she operates. She shouldn’t be this fast. Not ever. It's not in her blood. It's not what she is.” 

His words cut off for a moment, and she could imagine him inhaling deeply off one of his thick cigars. She didn’t interrupt him. That, too, she'd learned a long time ago. She just waited, running the golden coin absently along her knuckles. Finally, he spoke again.

“…They're going to be making some additions soon. Our kind of additions. I've rattled some cages and made a few arrangements. I want you there.” 

That surprised her. He hadn’t asked her to oversee something personally in a long, long time. She sat up a little straighter in her chair and pulled herself closer to her desk. 


“Protecting an investment that's important to me, that’s all. Work with my sister’s baby and make sure that it’s coming along. If things are flowing, then we're fine. I’m sure you can keep tabs on your other operations from there, and it ought to be lucrative enough with you in on the ground floor. Make sure the fledgling can handle things." 

“I see. And if they can't?” 

There was a long silence, and another deep inhalation. Then his breath hissed in the phone, and she could picture the thick smoke billowing out around his golden eyes.

“If they can't, then we burn it all down and start again.” 

The phone clicked and the line went dead. She gazed at the receiver a moment, then returned it to its cradle and settled back in her chair. She set the coin down and laced both her hand over her lap as she thought it over. 

He wasn’t any more keen on goodbyes as he was on hellos, so that hadn’t bothered her. It was the tone behind his words that had caught her attention. He was spooked. Whatever this was, it was something big. Something important.  He wanted it dealt with right; calling her was proof enough of that. But what could be so terribly important about his sister’s little vacation spot?  He must have something more in mind that skimming a little of the top for himself. 

Answers wouldn’t come here. She sighed and reached for the phone again, allowing her chair to spin out toward the spectacular view outside.  

She was going to have to make some calls.  



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