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Happy Holidays to everyone who has been celebrating! Thanks to everyone for all of your kind comments and well-wishes. I've been doing alright, grieving is certianly a process, but I'm already starting to feel like my old self again.

The next chapter of Caged Among the Stars is coming, just not yet. What I have for you today is actually an older story of mine, one I wrote for a friend of mine. While it's not set in the world of Steel & Thunder, I have a feeling you're still gonna like it. ;)

As a reminder,  I will be pausing Patreon billing for the month of January as I take a little more time off. BUT that doesn't mean I won't be posting anyhting. You'll still be getting a news post next week, and all month I'll be posting art from a special project I've been working on, just for subscribers. See you then, and happy reading!


The tiger walked through his forested territory in the early morning. He wasn’t native to these parts, but had lived here longer than he could really recall. He had left his home years ago, when he was practically still a cub, needing to find a place of his own, one where he felt as though he actually belonged. Now a full grown adult, he had his own den, an entire territory to call his own, even his own pack. It might seem strange to outsiders, for a tiger to lead a pack of wolves, but he never concerned himself much with the thoughts of others.

Which reminded him: he was supposed to be out here hunting something for them to eat. They were more than capable of finding a meal for themselves, but it had become something of a ritual for him to bring back a large meal for the entire group to share at least once a week. He was having a hard time today though, as something seemed to have scared away all the big game he would normally find in this area.

As he moved swiftly through the forest, he began to make out the sounds of another creature. Large, though not as large as him, and not nearly as stealthy. He began tracking this intruder, his scent growing stronger as he followed the trail. A wolf, but not one of his own. As he drew closer, he began to quiet his approach. He spotted his target ahead of him, moving slowly along the bank of a river. Definitely a wolf, and alone. Strange, but it made no difference. He was in the tiger’s territory.

He continued to stalk the wolf carefully, waiting for the right moment to strike. He found his opportunity as the wolf knelt down by the river to take a drink and pounced, tackling and pinning the stranger to the ground.

“What do you think you are doing in my territory, Wolf?” the tiger growled.

The wolf struggled in his hold for a moment before answering. “Well I obviously didn’t KNOW it was your territory, or I wouldn’t be here.” He glared at the tiger above him, continuing to struggle.

“Where is the rest of your pack?” the tiger glared down in return and snarled.

The wolf stopped moving and looked pointedly at the tiger, “I don’t have one.”

The tiger raised an eyebrow at this, but said nothing.

“Fine, I don’t have one anymore,” the wolf said, looking away a bit embarrassed.

“What do you mean?” The tiger raised his other eyebrow at that

“I mean what I say. I don’t have a pack anymore. They kicked me out,” the wolf answered as he continued looking away from the tiger.

“And why did they do that? What did you do that caused them to throw you out?” The tiger looked over the wolf questioningly. Did he even realize how he was baring his neck right now?

“I didn’t do anything!” the wolf answered indignantly, though not able to hide the hurt in his voice, his ears drooping back. “My Al-- my old Alpha just always had it out for me. We never saw eye to eye on anything. He would find any excuse he had to pick a fight with me. Thought I was a bad wolf and pack member no matter what I did, and the rest of the pack believed him. I decided I just couldn’t take it anymore and fought back. And lost. And now… I’m here.”

The tiger considered the wolf before him. He was young, though by no means a child. Didn’t look particularly strong or weak. He could see a few healing bite marks on him, probably a few days old, but he was still handsome, or at least handsome enough for a wolf.

“I’m sorry, I really didn’t know there were any tigers around here. If you’ll let me up, I swear I’ll leave your territory right away,” the wolf began, sounding apologetic, if not a little chuffed. “I’m just trying to find my way to someplace where I can rest and eat, maybe find another pack”

The tiger remained silent for a moment. “…I could help you.”

“…what?” The wolf cocked his head questioningly

“I could help you. Take you in. Teach you to be stronger. Faster. Hopefully quieter. I don’t know about smarter, but I’ll certainly try,” The tiger finished.

“Why would a tiger want to help a wolf? How would that benefit you?” the wolf asked, genuinely confused.

“ I’m not an average tiger,” the tiger answered.

“But…what…what do I have to do?” the wolf stammered.

“Whatever I tell you,” the tiger responded with a straight face.

“That’s a tall order.” The wolf scoffed at that

“That’s an order, period,” the tiger clarified with a challenging look.

“…okay,” the wolf decided with a small nod, after considering the tiger for a moment.

“That’s ‘Yes sir, Alpha’,” the tiger corrected him.

“Yes sir, Alpha.” The wolf gulped.

The tiger raked his eyes over the wolf’s body once more, before moving off of him. As the wolf attempted to get up, he felt himself pushed back to the ground big a thick striped paw.


The wolf stopped moving and laid back, apprehensive under the scrutiny.

“Good boy,” the tiger praised before he moved closer, sniffing and licking at the wolf’s neck and chest. The wolf began to let out small huffs and whimpers as he felt the large, wet tongue move over his body.

“I…nnn…thought that tigers…aaahhh…had rough tongues…” the wolf stuttered out.

“Told you. Not an average tiger,” the tiger growled out.

As he moved down his stomach and towards his crotch, he saw the wolf’s cock begin to grow, and smell the arousal begin to pour off him in waves. He smirked and grabbed the wolf by his shoulders, flipping him onto his stomach, continuing his ministrations at the back of his neck.

The wolf let out a small yelp as he was manhandled, but made no effort to move from where he was placed. As the tiger reached his tail, his breath hitched, anxious for what might come next.

The tiger growled again and grabbed roughly at the wolf’s ass, kneading and squeezing it. He took a moment to enjoy the reactions of the wolf, licking over his hole in a long slow swipe. The wolf moaned lowly and attempted to push back at the tiger’s tongue, and received a sharp smack to his ass in return.

“I told you to stay, pup,” he chastised.

“Sorry, Alpha,” the wolf’s ears drooped back.

The tiger rumbled in approval, before leaning down again to lap at the wolf’s ass slowly. He took his time, enjoying the scent of the wolf, who he could tell was struggling to remain still and quiet. He alternated how he teased him, lightly swiping around his rim and pushing his tongue in deep, causing the wolf to inhale sharply. He occasionally let one of his fangs scrape against one of his cheeks, never enough to hurt, but a sharp reminder of the damage he could cause if he really wanted.

Once he was done he stood, and moved to the wolf’s front, before kneeling in front of his mouth. His cock had grown angry and red and he inspected his new wolf-pup. He reached down and tapped it on the wolf’s muzzle.


The wolf looked up at the tiger’s cock. His new Alpha’s cock. He didn’t look like he had thought. Weren’t cats supposed to have barbed dicks?

Open.” The tiger huffed impatiently and struck his cock against his muzzle with more force.

The wolf looked up at his new Alpha as he opened his mouth. He had done this before, once or twice when he was a young pup, but not in many years.

The tiger pushed his cock into the open mouth, letting out a low rumble at the feeling of the hot wet heat enveloping him. He pushed in further, causing the wolf to gag and sputter, one of his hands shooting up to push against his muscled and furred thigh. The tiger pulled back slightly, though not all the way, and he looked down and growled. The wolf whimpered in response, eyes watery but unable to speak with his mouth filled.

“You will learn to do this better, pup. Again.” The tiger spoke as he began to push back in, slowly but just as deep as before, the wolf still gagging slightly, but sputtering less.

The tiger continued to thrust in and out, quickening and deepening the pace as the wolf began to take his cock with more and more ease. He rumbled low in his chest in approval, before pulling out completely, not wanting to finish his plans this way.

The tiger again moved behind the wolf, between his spread legs. He grabbed at the wolf’s hips and bent him over, moving him onto all fours. The wolf could feel the tiger behind him, cock lying astride his hole, and tensed up.

“Calm down, pup. This is going to happen one way or another. You’re only going to hurt yourself if you can’t relax.” The tiger stroked his paws down the wolf’s flanks and ass as he spoke.

With one hand he began to gently stroke the wolf’s tail, and with the other pointed his cock to the wolf’s hole. The wolf tried to calm his breathing and his nerves. He didn’t know how that was going to fit in him, but he had already come this far, and he doubted he could outrun the obviously stronger and faster feline, even if he wanted to.

When the tiger felt he was sufficiently calm, he began to press forward, stroking at the wolf’s back with his free hand. The wolf gasped and began to tense up and whimper, and as the tiger pushed more of himself inside, he did his best to soothe his new charge.

“Good pup. You’re doing so good. You can take it,” he praised.

The wolf continued to whimper, trying to focus on the tiger’s words as he felt himself being split open. Eventually, he could feel strong thighs pressed to his own, large furred balls rubbing against his, as the tiger finally bottom out. Pulling about halfway out, the tiger thrust in again steadily, causing the wolf to yelp at the unexpected movement. The tiger grinned and began repeating the movement, moving just a bit faster with every stroke.

The wolf was panting now. It felt…strange. Painful at first, yes, but aside from that not bad. Not quite good either. Different. Full. And every so often, the tiger’s cock would push against something inside him that made his own cock go hard. It had certainly never felt like this before.

“Good boy.” The tiger slapped at his ass, growling when the wolf yelped and tightened around him. “Taking your new Alpha’s cock like you were meant to.” He began thrusting faster and faster.

The wolf’s cock was hard and pulsing now, though it had remained untouched throughout the whole ordeal. He didn’t understand what he was feeling or what was happening, but he began to push back to meet the tiger’s thrusts, egging him on to move harder and faster. His yelps turned to whimpers as the tiger began fucking his ass with thrusts he could barely keep up with.

Soon, the wolf began to feel something around the base of the tiger’s cock, something growing. Something like a knot.

“Al... Alpha,” he panted. “Do…aaahh…do you have a knot? I don’t understaAAAand,” he wailed as the knot grew bigger and was thrust in and out of him, catching on his rim.

The tiger thrusts became more powerful and erratic, and he was letting out an almost constant, low, growl. Just as his knot became too large to continue pulling out of the wolf’s ass, he pushed his cock in to the base, locking them together. The wolf screamed as the knot was forced past his rim. The tiger grabbed the wolf by his thighs and pulled him back, grinding their hips together. He leaned over and growled into the wolf’s ears as he continued to thrust shallowly.

“I keep telling you. I am. Not. An average. Tiger,” he punctuated each word with a thrust, before pushing the wolf to the ground and lying atop him.

The tiger began mouthing at the wolf’s neck as he gave a few more powerful thrusts, pushing himself over the edge, triggering his orgasm and causing his knot to expand to its full size. Just as his load began shooting inside of the wolf, he roared and bit into his neck, deep enough to draw blood, but careful enough not to cause any real damage.

The wolf screamed and howled as he felt the tiger bite into him, and then felt his ass being filled with his Alpha’s cum. His own cock, hard and leaking, began to shoot onto the forest floor as his prostate was pounded and rubbed against by the tiger’s knot, completely untouched.

Once the most powerful wave of his orgasm had passed, the tiger released the wolf’s neck from his jaws, and maneuvered the two of them onto their sides, still locked together by his knot. The tiger began to lick at the oozing bite mark on the neck of his newest wolf-pup, and stroked one hand gently down his chest and stomach to sooth him, the other acting as a pillow beneath his head.

They remained locked together for the next thirty minutes, neither speaking any words, the wolf allowing his Alpha to groom and pet him, as the tiger’s cock continued to pulse cum while locked deep inside him, occasionally giving a small thrust or grinding his crotch against his ass, causing the wolf to whimper.

Eventually, once the tiger’s knot had gone down, he gave one last lick to the wolf’s neck before slowly removing his cock from his newly claimed wolf. He gently maneuvered the wolf onto his stomach, moving to kneel between his legs. He grasped the wolf’s ass in his hands and spread him wide. The wolf’s hole looked angry and puffy, the tiger’s seed slowly leaking from him. The tiger smiled at his handiwork.

Before the wolf could get up or protest, the tiger stood and picked the wolf up, throwing him over his shoulder. As he began to walk back to his den, the wolf began to struggle and protest being carried like this. The tiger shushed him and gave a sharp smack to the ass, silencing him. As the wolf settled against him, the tiger rubbed at the smacked area and smirked. He hoped the rest of his pack found their new pack brother as interesting as he had.


David Branson

Sending hugs and happy holidays, Sir!