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While they lack the technology of our world, enchanted magical items have been a part of everyday life in Terra for some time. And it’s more than just weaponry or other adventuring equipment: you have everything from specialized tools to common household items.

Still it is most commonly associated with adventuring troupes and sellswords. These warriors would accumulate magical items along their journeys, often times made by the spellcasters traveling with them. Weaponry that has been imbued with one of the elements, or perhaps increase the strength or speed of the person holding them. Blades that are extra sharp, armor that is extra fortified, a lantern that never goes out - all made of metal magicked to never rust.

As the people of the world began to settle down and establish large cities, enchanted became more commercialized, particularly as specialized equipment for certain professions. In addition to simply making these tools more durable and lasting longer, entirely new ones were thought up. Scribes began using wands capable of copying the ink from one page to another, and miners were given specialized pickaxes, enchanted against destroying whichever minerals they were mining. Even engines were enchanted to run faster and more efficiently.

And naturally, that led to even more common items to be created, becoming more affordable and accessible with each subsequent generation. These days, you can find these items in most Terran households. Coffee pots and tea kettles that automatically heat their contents with the touch of a finger, showers and sinks that are enchanted to flow with hot water, and clocks that tell the time without relying on the sun - and can even have alarms set.

Most spellcasters are capable of enchanting objects and people to a certain degree, though Arcane casters seem to be the most versatile. Within the arcane magical discipline, there are even some spellcasters that seem to have a special connection with this ability, most often going by the simple title of enchanter. These individuals have a natural talent, their enchantments lasting longer and requiring less power than others - and can seemingly do a few things others cannot.

There are certain materials that react differently to enchantment magic. Lodestone is particularly receptive to it, and is often used as a battery to power other, larger enchantments over long periods of time. Mithril is the opposite, and is actually resistant to most types of magic in general - but it’s that resistance and the metal's durability that cause some skilled enchanters to purposefully seek it out.

Enchantment itself has now become a commodity, with enchanters setting up shop and offering their services around the globe. Even non-spellcasters have gotten in the game, sourcing enchanted items from all over to sell in their own shops. And this will only continue to ease the needs of the Terran population. I mean, if you could use magic on all the little annoyances of your day, wouldn’t you?


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