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Happy New Year everybody! This news post is going to be a little different than the last few. If you’ve been following me on social media, you’ll know this past month has been a bit of a rough one. In addition to preorders getting canceled and my entire catalog being pulled offline, I lost a very, very dear friend of mine, David. I won’t post the entire sad story again, but I will link you to it here if you’d like to read.

David had a large hand in my writing process, and I miss him so much. I’ve been doing better, and I’m still taking some time off, but I’ll be back to active writing in no time. I want to thank all of my readers for the kind word of support you’ve given me when things have truly felt hopeless.

It’s not all bad news I have for you though! As you should be able to tell by the subject line, The Crown and the Collar is back online and once again available for preorder. I am so, so sorry to everyone who had their orders canceled, and have been assured it will not happen again. The rest of my catalog is also up again, all except for the audiobooks. We’re still working on those, unfortunately they always take longer to get listed.

And lets not forget, Before the Storm launched just a few weeks ago! I'm very happy to read all the great reviews that have been coming in, and hope some of you are planning to write to me a few more! Copies are still available everywhere, so pick one up today!

As stated in previous posts, I’m taking the month off here on Patreon, at least from story updates - but it won’t be completely silent! All month long I’ll be posting art from a special project I’ve been working on, exclusively for you subscribers, and I think you will really love what you see. Billing will resume in February!

Until next month, happy reading!

This Month on Patreon

Here’s what January brings to Patreon:

  • Special art project surprises!!!

Last Month on Patreon


David Smith

Damn how did your catalog get delisted?

Dominic N. Ashen

My publisher switched distributors and the old one was supposed to just hand everything over, but instead broke contract and removed EVERYTHING unilaterally. Lawyers are being spoken to.


I’m currently reading the first chapters of the new book to my boyfriend over the phone as he falls asleep and have the book pre ordered so we can pick up when it comes out. I’m super excited.