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Happy New Year everybody! And Happy Arenas & Monsters Preorders Are Live Day too! Steel & Thunder Book 4 is almost here, and you can use this link to order your copy from any of the usual online retailers. Paperbacks should be available soon, as will the audiobook! All the other books in the series have topped the charts, I wonder how high we can get this one before release day?

Now with that out of the way: how was everyone's holiday? I hope you all managed to stay warm and toasty, and (if you’re into that sorta thing) saw all your loved ones and maybe got some new toys. I built myself a new computer! Which has been an absolute pain in the ass to get up and running. I swear they made this harder than it used to be. But I did it! And then I spent the last week reinstalling everything.

One last bit of news: I’ve got some changes coming here to Patreon. Dom’s Little Black Book is coming to an end, with the final chapter being posted this month. I’m not saying I’ll never write another of these, but for now, I’m closing the book. In its place, on the fourth Monday of every month, will be an entirely new story! These stories will be longer in format than what I’ve posted here in the past, coming to at least 10-12 chapters each. Theylll be available to patrons of the $4 “Just Here for the Porn, Sir” and $5 “Dom’s Little Black Book” tiers, which will also include access to all the Little Black Book archives. I already know what story I’m going to start with, A kinky tale with a sci-fi bent; think Starfleet Academy vibes. The first chapter will be posted next month, so if you’ve been thinking about raising your patron level, this might be a good time.

Thanks as always, and happy reading!

This Month on Patreon

Here’s what January brings:

  • 1/9: The fourth chapter of The Journal of Khazak Uzi’lag - With Vakesh feeling better, Khazak is forced to confront his growing feelings - despite his best effort.
  • 1/16: Familiars, Totems, and Animal Companions - magical animals and natural spirits form bonds with spellcasters.
  • 1/23: Daddy D, Part 6 - The final chapter of my Little Black Book goes out with a bang - literally!
  • 1/30: New Worldbuilding & Story polls! I would love to get some requests on this one, as I’m worried the idea well of worldbuilding articles is starting to run dry.
