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After our impromptu threeway, Jay and I got up to get our day started properly. We had lots of fun plans to get to! I grabbed a quick shower before Jay so that he would be able to assess the damage to his well-used hole and give himself another cleaning afterwards. I am ever the gentleman.

The first thing on our docket was the beach! Not too far from my home is a nice little public beach that law enforcement has been kind enough to “look the other way” when it comes to public nudity laws, at least on some of the piers further from the entrance.

We were headed to a nude beach for the afternoon.


Before we went to the beach proper though, we had a couple of stops to make. The first was just for food - fucking three times in 12 hours makes you build up an appetite! After we grabbed a quick bite, our second stop became apparent when some cute boy started chatting up Jay online. He wanted a piece, and I’m a very generous daddy, so I told Jay to let him know we would be stopping by.

This boy, we can call him Pete, lived not far from where we were headed, so it only took us a few minutes to get there after having lunch. After knocking on the door, he let us in and led us straight to the bedroom. Pete was verse, and he was looking to get both of his itches scratched that afternoon; first I would top him, and then he would top Jay.

Despite having had a crazy amount of sex already, my dick took no time in rising to the challenge. Pete showed me where the lube was and got into position on all fours on his bed, while I took my place behind him.

Pete was a bigger guy, and as such had a very nice, juicy ass. I gave it a few smacks and manhandled it a bit before grabbing the lube and slicking up my cock, dripping a little down his crack and smearing it onto his hole. Then, without any further delay, I entered him.

Pete was tight and obviously not as experienced as Jay, so it took a little bit of effort to get all the way in without hurting him. But once I popped through that first ring of muscle, Pete let out a long, loud moan. Clearly it had been a while since his last dick-down.

Eager for the rest of our visit here and for the beach, I began fucking Pete earnestly. Much like the night before, this was a no-frills fuck. I was here to pound some ass, shoot my load, and then watch my boy have the same done to him. I smacked Pete’s ass as I pumped, wanting to instill an idea of how rough he can get when he fucks Jay next.

Unwatched by me, Jay sat on the corner of the bed, engrossed in the scene before him. When I looked over to see how he was doing, I saw his eyes were locked on my cock as it drove in and out of Pete’s hole. My boy does have a tendency to get dick-drunk, and this is the first time he’d ever seen me fucking someone else in person. Must have been strange to see things from the other side.

Enjoying my second audience that day, I grabbed Pete by the hips and sped up my thrusts. He squealed into the mattress but made no attempt to move away, so I don’t think he minded. After just a few more minutes of this, I was shooting my load as I was buried deep in his hole. Honestly, I was a little surprised that I had any cum left at that point.

I stepped into the bathroom to clean myself up a little, and by the time I returned Jay was already ass up on the bed with Pete lining up behind him. I leaned against the wall, content to let the scene play out in front of me. Jay was still opened up from all his previous use, so Pete didn’t have to struggle to get inside, and was soon steadily fucking into his ass.

I walked around the room behind them, enjoying the action from a few different angles. At one point, I pulled out my phone and took a few minutes of video. I could see some leftover lube dripping out of Pete’s ass as it rose and fell, and before long Pete was shooting his own load.

I gave the two of them a few minutes to enjoy the afterglow before giving Jay a light smack on the butt. We had places to be. With a “yes, daddy,” he cleaned himself up and got dressed. Pete walked the two of us to the door and we said our goodbyes. Not a bad pitstop.

After that, we headed to the beach. I’d love to regale you with some tale of public debauchery here, but part of the reason the beach is even allowed to exist is that it’s not really like that. Sexual stuff does happen, but people are usually pretty stealthy about it. Or at least pretend to be.

Still, it was a very enjoyable afternoon. I’ll have fun doing just about anything if it involves public nudity, and even more if I get to gawk at other hot half-naked dudes. I saw way more cock rings than I expected, metal ones. Doesn’t that get hot?

We enjoyed our beers and the view, got in the water a little, and overall just relaxed. It was a good visit. Once we decided we had had enough of the dicks, ass, and sand in and around both, we packed up and headed home for the night.


Of course, the weekend didn’t end there. We had already made plans with yet another guy - Teach, from a previous Little Black book chapter. He and I still saw each other from time to time, though our dynamic had changed entirely. He was the one calling me sir now, and he was excited to use a boy with me.

When he arrived I already had Jay on the bed and in position. He was bent over a foam pillow, his ass raised to hip level. I used my bondage straps to tie both his legs to the bottom two corners of the bed, and his two hands tied together to the headboard above him. It was quite the scene.

I had been teasing Jay’s well-lubed hole, him having cleaned out again after we got home. Better safe than sorry. Teach quickly got to work stripping down to just his jock, pulling his cock out of the side as he kneeled on the bed. After lubing up, he took a whiff of poppers and drove in. Jay moaned but remained still and in position, ever the dedicated bottom.

For the second time that day I sat back and watched as another man used my boy. Giving his ass the occasional smack, Teach eagerly pounded away at Jay’s hole. I could just make out the dirty talk he was muttering to the boy below, utterances of “take that dick” and “slut.”

I was going to do more than just watch this time, though. I stepped behind Teach and teased his ass and chest with my hands. I snaked my fingers towards his hole, a hole I had opened up and bred many times by now. His pacing slowed, but he continued to fuck as I inched a finger further into his hole ever so slowly, waiting for the itch to trigger.

As I felt the ass in front of me push back onto my finger, I grabbed the lube with my free hand to wet my cock. I pushed Teach forward, all the way into Jay, and took position behind both of them. I ground my lubed cock against Teach’s ass, pushing him further into Jay’s ass and making the both of them moan. IThen  aimed my cock at his hole and pushed forward once again.

Teach took a huge inhale after I slipped past the rim of his hole. I went slow, knowing that despite having been here before, Teach was hardly a bottom on par with someone like Jay. I can be a gentle daddy when needed. After I felt my groin meet Teach’s ass, I ground my hips forward, eliciting more moans from both of my prone boys. I pulled back after that and allowed Teach to pull back a little himself. When he drove his hips back into Jay, I followed suit and bottomed out in him once again, this time giving a few thrusts before Teach had a chance to move again.

We continued like that for a few minutes before I decided to let Teach do most of the work. As I stood still, he moved backward and forward at a steady pace, fucking himself onto my cock while fucking into Jay on the next stroke. I reached around to again play with his nipples as he sped up, occasionally losing the rhythm, but who could blame him? I’m pretty sure this was a first for everyone involved.

Eventually I started to move again, doing my best to time my thrusts with his. I was essentially fucking him into Jay, using one of my boys to fuck another. Teach must have found this as hot as I did, because the next thing I knew he was shooting his load into Jay’s ass, the boy’s first load since cleaning out again. I could feel the contractions of his ass clamping down on my cock and I continued to give a few more thrusts, working him through the orgasm. Once the moaning stopped, I gently extracted myself, giving him a chance to catch his breath and clean up.

He moved off the bed and I immediately took his place. I still had another load to shoot. I spread Jay’s ass, took aim, and railed him like there was no tomorrow. Teach watched as I long-dicked the ass in front of me, each time reentering with a loud slap of skin on skin. I covered Jay’s back with my own and fucked down into his hole, frantically, losing any sense of rhythm. I growled into his ear as I added my own load to Teach’s, with him moaning after feeling the first warm shot.

By the time I’d caught my breath, Teach had been in and out of the bathroom and was already dressed. I gave Jay a playful spank as I walked Teach out, thanking him for being a good boy and breeding my other boy. After I got back in the room, I fed my wet cock to the still tied Jay, releasing him once I was cleaned. Exhausted from our very busy day, we did not stay up much later, happy to let sleep claim us.

I fucked Jay once more that night, much like the previous. And just like he did then, he took my cock and load without complaint. I think both of us were a little disappointed when we awoke the following afternoon, and it was time for him to go. He had a long drive ahead of him. After packing everything into his car, I pulled him into a bear hug.

“You were a very good boy this weekend. Thank you for everything,” I punctuated my thanks with a kiss.

“Thank you, Daddy, for letting me stay with you and for the amazing weekend,” he returned.

With another kiss and a very forceful ass grab, I sent my boy off, with the instruction to let me know when he got home. I headed up to my room with a smile on my face. This was a great visit.

Is this how most dad’s feel after a weekend with the kids?


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