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Haven’t you ever wished you could use a little magic in the bedroom? Maybe you’d like a spell that could help with cleaning up, or a costume that changed the way you looked. Those things might not be available here on Earth, but in a world like Terra, anything is possible.

If you’ve read my stories, then you should already be familiar with the cleansing charm, a small round stone that is enchanted with a spell that, ahem, cleans out your backdoor when you’re expecting to have a little fun in that area. “Upgraded” charms can even leave the user lubricated and stretched. Similar charms also exist for the purpose of contraception, casting a spell that leaves the user with a 6-hour window in which they cannot become pregnant. Lambskin condoms are still the other go-to choice when it comes to protection, enchanted to increase their durability and offer additional protection from sexual transmitted disease. Of course, the availability of these charms varies wildly depending on location, with more conservative countries outlawing them entirely.

As far as lubrication is concerned, oil is what is primarily used, with olive oil in particular favored because of its long-lasting qualities. Other types of plant oils are also popular, with some even being mixed with other ingredients to deliver special qualities. For example, when shockvine is added, users are said to experience a tingling around the area it has been applied, and the fluid extracted from a salamander’s throat sack is known to cause a warming sensation.

A nurse friend of mine used to love telling me about how much people loved sticking things they shouldn’t inside of themselves. That’s what they make toys for, people! They might not have our level of technology, but with magic, the people of Terra can make all their plugs and dildos just as inventive. Of course you have your standards, toys that can vibrate and even grow and shrink in size. Then you have your more specific options. Toys that change their temperature, dildos that feel like they’re squirting real cum, plugs with animal tails that respond to your emotions. Horny terran wizards are inventing new things every day!

Working in conjunction with those toys are magical harnesses. These harnesses, when paired with the correct false phallus, are enchanted to provide the wearer with all the sensations of having a working penis. Though not yet widespread, they are particularly popular with dominant woman (and the men they love to peg), lesbians, and transgender men. Similar objects on the opposite end of the spectrum are also in development, sheathes made from certain plant leathers that can provide the “wearer” all the feelings that come with having a flesh-and-blood vagina.

Terran bondage enthusiasts are also in luck, using magic to enhance your standard leather, metal, and rope restraints. Magical locking cuffs are very popular, made with a magnetic lodestone that allows them to easily lock together with ease. Some of these cuffs can be enchanted to only release when the dominant partner allows them to, and some people go so far as to design entire frames with the components so that they can easily lock their partners in any number of positions. Rope can also be bewitched to cause all sorts of sensations on the skin, both pleasurable and painful. It can be tightened or loosened with just a thought of a user's mind, or even release them entirely after a certain amount of time.

Finally, just like in our world, roleplaying is a very popular bedroom pastime in Terra. While spellcasters are already known to use their own magic for various sexual purposes, including altering their appearance, magical costumes exist to provide non-casters the same thing. Perhaps you’d like to strap on a pair of dragon wings that covers your body in scales, or a set of cat ears and tail that you can feel the sensations of when stroked. Some of these outfits can even be enchanted to alter the perception of the wearer, putting them more in the mindset of the creature or person they are supposed to be imitating, though these items can also be dangerous when used improperly. Remember everyone, magic or not, consent is always key!


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