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Continuing on a previous bunch of Clip Studio Paint page roughs from a kinda-but-not-really story from fantasy test project The Chaste and the Chained,   I had been noodling away on a scene of the Elf Mage finding herself  bedamseled yet again by a magically animated chair.  This wasn't really a  "true" Chaste story like the sample pages I posted last summer, but more of a background-free "damsel cheesecake wallow," if you will.

Howeva, outta nowhere I thought up a way that this titillating  but otherwise none too compelling scene could be warped into an actual narrative advancing the overall Chaste storyline.  And lo, in the concluding page from the previous post, the sleeping Paladin was awakened by by the Elf's struggles:

...and hurls his dwarven throwing axe, which would've been established in an earlier story as a magical weapon capable of semi-autonomous targeting:

...and, as we'll see in the following page, returns to the thrower a la Marvel Thor's Mjolnir:

Note that this rough page appears sketchier (and "smearier") than the last because, alas, I had triggered a drawing-hand issue with my Wacom Cintiq work in Clip Studio Paint for the very first time. So, I dug out the new(-ish) 8B pencil leads (!) I discovered last summer and delicately scrawled these next two pages with as little pressure as possible, to avoid further drawing-hand troubles:

Why, whatever could be disconcerting the Paladin in those last two panels? The next page rough would've clarified the issue in considerable detail, but I was waylaid by other work and haven't been able to return to Chaste roughs, alas. And now, back to page roughs on a wee li'l mainstream writing gig!

BTW, I based the first two panels' poses above on more photos of those "Body-chan & Body-kun" figurines, but neglected to port the pics over to my PC; might update this post later with those images if I remember to do so, okay?

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Not sure at the moment, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot, okay? 




Handled the evil chair like a champ!

Sleepy Comics

Your work continues to amaze!

Thos. Merchant

Noticed he doesn't seem to be in a hurry to untie her gag or her hands...


Hey Adam! I absolutely love this! It is so fun and funny. I would totally read comics that look just like this! I might add that this story isn't getting bogged down with intricate costumes and backgrounds...it is just pure story. I think this is the sweet spot between your sharpie layouts (which have amazing compositions and high contrast lighting, but are sometimes too thick to see expressions) and your finished renders (which feature a lot of costume and background detail, but look quite time consuming). I get as much enjoyment out of this style as your other art modes. Just my two cents. Lovely stuff. Can't wait to see what happens next!