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[Here's a link to our previous installment in this series.]

So, yeahp, I'm serializing my insanely tight layout pages for the 2005 Marvel miniseries Iron Man: Hypervelocity, the first issue of which I wrote and laid out long before an artist had been chosen;  of course, the great Brian Denham wound up tackling the art for the project, but I had already rolled with these time-consuming roughs out of, I dunno, sheer perfectionism and unhinged micro-managing.

Either that, or these layouts represented the sum total of artwork I actually wanted to produce for this project. As I've noted here before, cranking out finished artwork is the bane of my g-d existence as an artist; I like (or even occasionally love) drawing loose, relatively spontaneous comic pages like this, but bog down toute suite upon having to painstakingly render my usual tight and precise completed artwork.

Even though we're coming up on the 20th anniversary of Hypervelocity's creation, I am loath to publicly acknowledge to non-Patrons that I'm serializing these layouts here, hence the "Old SF-Adjacent Project" monicker.

Anyhoo, here's my cover rough for issue #2:

...and Brian Denham's line art for sad cover, with colors by the great Guru eFX:

And now, my layout page issue #2's page 1:

...and page 2:

After finishing this layout, I belatedly decided that the title and credits needed to go on this page, hence the revised composition (with more space at the bottom of the page) in this follow-up jpeg:

Back to page 3:

"Technotaku" being a fine neologism that I never used again outside this miniseries, alas.

Sharpies ahoy!

Not too wax excessively SPOILERiffic, but pretty much all the hardware upgrades mentioned above will see use later on in the miniseries.

So far, looks like this is yet another tale of Iron Man's armor gaining sentience and going rogue... but might a plot twist be in store? Mayhap so!

Anyhoo, our next update in a few weeks will continue serialization of issue #2, as we draw ever closer to finding out what really happened. 

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?




Yeah, I can see where someone obviously thought through all the possible downsides and still went forward anyway :D

Dean Reilly

At some point, Tony Stark needs to understand that building Iron Man suits has become an addictive behavior! 😁