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Running waaaaay the hell behind this morning, so here's a desperate, last-minute pull from the ol' MISCELLANEOUS folder! Above are my roughs for a 4-page story I laid out and scripted for an Udon Streetfighter backup dealie 10 years ago or so, followed by the inks and finished colors by the great artist Omar Dogan.

Not much to say on this one (and no time to say it, regardless), but I will note that one martial-arts riff on p.2, panel 5 was an homage to an obscure but neat "interlacing kicks" riff from, I think, Shirow's Ghost in the Shell 2: ManMachine Interface:

Here's a quick scan of the GITS 2: MMI panel in question:

Ah, but in the end, Omar chose to roll with a different (and, laudably, less "Shirow-ripping"), bookbag-focused approach on panel 5:

Pretty sure that the "kick through a car interior" move that follows is taken from (or at least inspired by) a Jackie Chan movie, but dang if I can remember which one:

Don't have a lettered version of the pages available, nor could I find the script quickly enough, so I have no idea what the story's whimsical punchline (ha ha!) would've been:

Wellp, that's all I got for today's rushed post, folks. And now, back to work on the present-day, writing-only short story I'm trying to wrap up scripting today!

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?




I dug up the story ("Some Wisdom" from Street Fighter Unlimited Issue 3, released February 24th 2016, so just about 8 years old). The joke is that Karin wants to fight Ibuki to show her alleged superiority, Ibuki, clearly wanting nothing to do with Karin, argues that a fight would be pointless since any fight between two roughly equally skilled fighters is likely to come down to minor factors/luck... ... which drives Karin to suggest they fight at least ten times to screen out randomness and that they spend some quality time together outside of battle, thus meaning that Ibuki, in trying to get Karin to go away, only succeeded in making her more interested in spending time with her! Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.