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Wellp, damsel-in-distress fans, I have a definite lack of finished-looking DiD content in the pipeline, as most of the material available for posting is of a literally if not figuratively "sketchy" bent. With a new Harley Quinn short story art deadline currently breathing down my neck—11 days to go on the deadline, and I'm presently behind schedule on the penciling & (ughh) inking—I'm not sure when I'm gonna get around to working on those Rose & Lily: Flowers of Peril comic pages mentioned here previously.

So, for a brief break from the DiD "sketchiness," I thought I'd delve back in time (and back in my iPad's camera roll) to a series of more developed-looking Clip Studio Paint art requests from the Bigger Spenders of the $10 & $20 tiers (though mostly the latter), with sketch sets dating back to those bygone days of 2020 yore.

Pretty sure these old images would've mostly been seen before by only the Biggest Spenders as part of their Monthly Exclusive Bonus Post dealie, though a few miiiight have appeared in $5-tier Distressed Damsels posts on occasion.

I'm honestly unsure as to whether or not many Bigger Spenders bother to comb back through the archives to see the Exclusive Bonus Posts, as I rarely see very many "likes" on older posts. (Yes, I'm aware that Patreon features more complex analytical tools to quantify Patron engagement in detail, but I've neither the time nor the energy nor the interest to actually use those tools.)

A few words:

Neat approach on Domme Emp's mask in this one, which I didn't quite use in its entirety for the version of her seen in Empowered vol.12. (Oh, well.)

UPDATE: Added the Empowered vol.12 version of Domme Emp to the image gallery above. As you can see below, this design was apparently derived from the art request sketch:


These sets were drawn via the iOS version of Clip Studio Paint, as I hadn't yet put any serious worktime into my Cintiq-driven PC version of the software.

The conceptual approach of the Sexy Librarian art req was pretty amusing, gotta say.

Our next Distressed Damsels update will be almost certainly be of the literally/figuratively sketchy variety, and very likely Rose & Lily-based, as I received a DiD art req based on this random but striking image:

So, stand by for Imperiled Undercover (Star)Flight Attendant Lily at some point, looks like! (Just need to find some time to finish up some sketch sets...)

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Not sure at present, due to the semi-randomized M/W/F posting schedule, but something should be going up in the next slot, I can assure you.




Flight attendent Lily reminds me of the scene from the DP anime where Yuri steals a train conductors uniform before tying her up and sticking her in a closet


Or, of course, the one where Yuri disguises herself as a space flight attendent, while Kei is a nun.


I liked the Lanfear distress! I still remember it. :-3


No amount of love for damselfied Emp will ever fully assuage my guilt for making her deal with Zoom audio issues.


In fact, many years ago, did a DiD commission derived (very, VERY loosely) from that scene; alas, didn't photocopy the piece. (Early 90s, so the image probably sucked; no big loss.)

Jack Hallows

some of the old ones right?


Love these! Thanks for posting more.


I sometimes comb through the old posts, but eventually Patreon bugs out on me and I can't see the oldest ones.