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So, here's one of the earlier "Endpage" features I did for the sadly defunct Playstation magazine PSM back in 2005, before I'd figured out a proper workflow for the pieces upon cranking 'em out on a monthly basis. 

Here's the Sharpie-markered rough, based on my goofy speculation re: different forms of (Solid) Snake from Metal Gear Solid:

Next up, the pencils for the piece, which I sadly neglected to adjust in Photoshop before sending 'em in to the magazine:

Next, the final, published version, which sorta-but-not-really used my original text for the piece; note that the final version of the text for "Cut-Scene Snake" was a tad less snarky than my original:

After this, I figured out that A) I needed to letter the pieces myself and B) I also needed to level-adjust the art in Photoshop before sending the PSDs in. Here's what the tweaked art should've looked like:

Wellp, the future string of Endpages would look better than this one, for whatever that's worth.

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: I'm frantically struggling to rebuild my Patreon buffer while trying to make progress on that Harley Quinn story (due in only 18 days from time of posting), so who knows what I'll cram into the next M/W/F slot?



Joshua Wolfe

So that explains the mullet!