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Before even getting around to scanning much of the newly (re)discovered material that I unearthed while cleaning up the ol' studio space, I belatedly realized that I still have plenty of older postable content lurking in digital form amidst the dumbfounding tangle of Old PC's nested folders and subfolders (and sub-subfolders, and so on). Golly! My file organization skills re: miscellaneous freelance jobs leaves a great deal to be desired, to put it mildly.

Anyhoo, let's kick off the Scouring of the Shire—uh, the Scouring of the Hard Drive with this 2015 variant cover illo I did for Marvel's Deadpool:

...featuring ol' Wade's then-wife(!) Shiklah and her winged pet whatever-that-might-be; named "Bug," according to the next image.

The initial pose rough:

...was loosely based on an Emp pose from a panel in Empowered vol. 9, which I'd only recently finished work on:

I liked the way Emp's legs had worked out in panel 3, so I flopped 'em on the cover rough and developed the rest of the Shiklah pose from that "artistic seed."

On to the inks:

Decent pose overall, but her head wound up a bit too proportionately large for her body. Then again, I was comfortable drawing occasionally cartoony "big(ger)-head" figure proportions back in 2015, even though my preference journey towards drawing "thicc-er" physiques for idealized female frames was already well underway.

After that, in the gallery above, time for color guides, a special FX "mystic power" overlay, and the delightful colors by Lee Duhig of the fine color studio Guru eFX.

I can see at least three or four more Work Stages possibilities for cover illos from this era lurking in my nested, confusingly labeled HD folders, so you can expect to see more of these pieces parceled out over the next few weeks or months, okay?

TOMORROW ON THIS HERE PATREON: Not sure ATM, but we are rolling with every-weekday posts to finish off the month of September, so you will see something tomorrow, folks.

UPDATE: Looks like tomorrow's post will be the Exclusive Monthly Bonus dealie for the Biggest Spenders of the $10 & $20 tiers, which this time around will almost certainly be based on this month's art requests from those tiers. (I've knocked out three CSP sets so far, and hope to wrap up a fourth and/or fifth by posting time Friday morning.) 





Don't know the character but I appreciate a look at your process.


BTW, just for kicks, I took the pose rough and chucked it in as the seed for the IMG2IMG AI built on Stable Diffusion to see if it would finish the drawing, and it decided the correct output was what appears to be a page from an alien science textbook, so I think either I did something rather badly wrong or the machines aren't quite ready to replace you yet. Link's here for the curious: https://ibb.co/p4yLjSP