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As the monthly exodus of 20-odd Patrons looms, thought I'd put up a quick list of content I'm contemplating for October. Yay?

*As that Wolverine/ Man-Thing story I wrote and drew for the Marvel anthology Crypt of Shadows will be out on October 19, you'll likely see a full-color (and fully lettered) preview of pages from that puppy.

*Likewise in the coloring vein, that newer Harley Quinn FRPG-skewed cover will be colored fairly soon, so that should also be previewed here ere long.

*I'm working up the plot and roughs for a new Harley Quinn short story during the month, so you'll likely see some of my early art tests and design sketches hither and yon. 

*In the Distressed Damsels vein, the $5+ tiers will, I hope, be seeing finished pages from the recently previewed Clip Studio Paint test comic Rose & Lily: Flowers of Peril; or I could start posting pages from a recently mentioned Emp "bedroom cosplay" story in which she's roleplaying a damsel-y scene from Hitchcock's early film Jamaica Inn.

*I'm hoping to get in at least a little Cintiq and/or iPad and/or analog-media developmental sketching for The Last Party and/or The Devils' Art during the month. In fact, I might try to set up a "minimum of 30 minutes per day worth of sketching" dealie to encourage myself, but have considerable doubts re: my ability to pull off such a commitment.

*The book-market solicitation info and cover art for Empowered vol.12 should—I say, should—be going up soon, so to tie in to that presumed announcement I'll do a full Work Stages post (or two) on that illo sometime this month.

*As noted a while back, I unearthed a whole bunch of material while resuming the cleaning out of my studio space, such as: a big cache of (very) early Dirty Pair developmental material; the main art for the one music CD cover I did; my sole remaining piece of original artwork from the watercolor era of Dirty Pair cover art, before digital coloring kicked in; a two-page comic done for my high school newspaper (ouch!); a whole bunch of character design material for defunct SF comic pitch Cannibal Sun; and the original art for not one but two stories pitting Street Fighter's Chun Li vs. Cammy—with one comic being an Udon-published short, and the other a commissioned response to the official SF comic. So, at least some of the aforementioned content will be appearing in October, likely to be chosen by poll(s).

*Failed-Project Friday will prrrrrobably return later in the month with a postscript of sorts for the Empowered and the Mask City Meltdown roughs and scripts serialized here earlier in the year, as I just recovered the original pitch doc for the two-issue project, which features a few Empverse details not addressed in the script, IIRC. When I post that content, I'll also include Empowered art samples from the very talented artist I originally wrote that pitch for.

*Concluding serialization of my 2004-era Work Stages for the Unnamed Robot Comic's final pages will occur quite shortly, as in next week.

*Another Work Stages post on an oddly significant (to my work process, at least) 2015-era cover illo is ready to go; just needs to be scheduled in a specific M/W/F slot during the month. 

*Vintage Con Sketches will be represented at some point in October, along with further multiple doses of Life Drawings.

*I also need to knock out a few more long-standing commissions if possible, so you miiiiight see some contemporary as opposed to vintage Con Sketches.

*As usual, stand by for an Exclusive Monthly Bonus Post for the Biggest Spenders at the end of the month.

Once again, that's rather a lot to squeeze into 31 days, gotta say. Well, thanks for your support, and I'll talk at ya later!



I'm not going anywhere!!!!


Sounds like a lot of good content ahead!


. In fact, I might try to set up a "minimum of 30 minutes per day worth of sketching" dealie to encourage myself, but have considerable doubts re: my ability to pull off such a commitment. (In response, I'd say try it, but if you can't do 30 some days, try for 15. Even little bits can help)

J Chen

Gotta say, an Emp/Jamaica Inn crossover is an unusual idea, but sounds very intruiging!