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So! I've made no progress whatsoever on actual digital-art pages for the CSP-via-Cintiq test comic Rose & Lily: Flowers of Peril, first discussed a month ago. Howeva, whilst working up some initial pencil-based analog roughs for that story, I wound up sidetracked by reworking some older, unfinished Kei and Yu—nay, Rose & Lily commissioned DiD roughs into a form that could be reused later on in Flowers of Peril's narrative.

The original roughs featured a Rogue (D&D-class) Shasti getting the better of Rose & Lily as usual, but that's untenable in Flowers of Peril because she's already appearing in the story's first act as a sinister sorceress. (Uh, SPOILER, I guess?)

So, I redrew those roughs into a new sequence featuring the Potion-Shop Gnomes previously seen victimizing the Hushed Half-Elf a while back; alas, I deleted the posts with that scene out of sheer paranoia after April's alarming run-in with Patreon Trust and Safety, so you cannae see them at this time. (Those pages weren't specifically flagged by Patreon as offensive, so I might someday repost 'em here... Maybe.)

Tough to say if the clearly impure intentions expressed by "Ol' Shemlin" throughout this sequence would be interpreted malignly by Trust & Safety, though our hapless heroines Rose & Lily are in no actual danger from this wee, big-talking blowhard, as will become clear later. (In fact, they will be rescued by a very familiar character...)

Still, I blocked out some of his sketchier dialogue in the next page:

Dunno if his rather skeevy dialogue will be a problem or not;. guess we'll find out eventually!

Here are the Potion-Shop Gnomes' designs from Hushed Half-Elf:

Note that I couldn't sustain Ol' Shemlin's fairly neat facial design in the Rose & Lily roughs, for some reason.

Next up are the first two pages of the Hushed Half-Elf episode that introduced the Gnomes, drawn in a similarly rough-based form using Procreate circa 2019, looks like:

The running theme here is that Ol' Shemlin's assistant Quiverlip is, not surprisingly,  physically outmatched by a "giantess."

Looks like I took an iPad camera pic of a hand-sketched rough page, then worked on it in Procreate.

As the Rose & Lily dialogue hints, the Half-Elf eventually defeated the gnomes (in an unorthodox manner) and freed herself in posts now deleted. Might she return someday to finish off the Gnomes? Might that happen in this very Rose & Lily story? Might I also repost those bygone Hushed Half-Elf pages here someday?

Mayhap so!

There are more rough pages kicking around from this post's Rose & Lily sequence, so you can expect to to see 'em in the next month or two, possibly or probably with "deskeevified" Shemlin dialogue.

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Not sure ATM, but as I'm rolling with every-weekday posts to finish off the month of September, you should see something tomorrow, dear Patrons.




Love the art here. Amazing work.


Agreed. Something I'd love to see completed in a less sketchy form.