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Behold, s'more Clip Studio Paint sketch sets based on art requests from the $20 Patron tier, including some Distressed Damsels reqs to help fill out the month's quota of DiD content! This time around, some "name" ladies are mixed in with some OCs (original characters, for the uninitiated).

A few words:

Never played Dragon Age, so I have no idea who Merrill is, but her sketch and Witch Ninjette worked out quite nicely, IMHO; via the CSP iPad app, though, which I'm still far more comfortable using than my PC-driven Cintiq, which was used for the next few sketches. (Worked in some life drawing on this set's poses, which probably helped the quality level.)

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Probably a weekend poll to the Biggest Spenders to determine what their Monthly Bonus Post content for August should be.

NEXT TIME IN DISTRESSED DAMSELS CONTENT: The final August damsel-y content will be from the new Clip Studio Paint Rose & Lily story I'm working on; might actually be the first finished page, if I can get enough work hours in over the next few days. (That might be tough, as I have to replace a water heater and get the house wired for broadband fiber simultaneously this week.) Otherwise, you'll see my first few (extremely tight) layout pages for a tale of our ill-fated heroines confronting peril in an FRPG-ish setting.




Amazing as always! Thank you!


Holy crap, you're finally getting off DSL?


Great art requests !!! Or at least the art turned out great !! Are you replacing the water heater on your own (or with help) ? Happy that you're getting better Internet access.

The Silver Socialist

I was thinking about requesting Emp wearing a bankruptcy barrel. It feels weird to see someone wearing one before I even told anyone I was thinking that.


That was my request, sorry to steal your thunder or make you feel weird. I let an artist who was a huge fan of my lady knight OC draw her however they saw fit and one of the pictures had her wearing a barrel. They explained this scenario they came up with of her falling prey to a magic barrel that teleported all the clothes on her back to her home forcing her to wear the barrel as she continued her adventure, which I admittedly loved so I've been getting other artwork of her in that barrel and even have a cool story planned for this particular adventure. BTW She' also the lady in the leaf bikini.


I LOVE how you drew my OC Kokoro wearing a barrel and especially in the leaf bikini. May I please possibly upload those pictures to my DeviantArt gallery as long as I credit you? I cropped the other characters out.


Thank you so much for the sketch of Merrill, she looks beautiful! I hope she was a fun elf to draw, I also think this worked out very nicely :D Her torn clothes are a very welcomed addition to the distressed damseling but i think my favorite touch is using her own belt to bind her legs, that's clever. You definitely captured her pointy-eared cuteness here, fantastic work!

The Silver Socialist

That thing where is teleports their clothes home is really hot. It's an ENF goldmine. Thanks for bring that idea into the world.


Replacing the water heater with my brother-in-law's help (this weekend, I hope).


In fact, I was effectively taken off DSL, as the company handling local phone lines is pulling all the copper down next month. To my amazement, since the last time I checked with 'em about broadband access (and heard "no" for an answer), fiber was strung all the way up my g-d road. Whoops!


I know it has plenty of potential for that. Personally not really a fan of ENF (I infinitely prefer EUF) but this is one scenario I do like as the character is immediately given something else to cover up with. But it's not my idea, this artist came up with that scenario for my OC. https://www.deviantart.com/terrortoxico1/art/Kokoro-in-a-Barrel-924640889 But they also told me that didn't even create that type of barrel. It turns out that in a Dungeons and Dragons supplement there's a cursed item called the Barrel of Poverty that will teleport everything off of the first person who looks into it, then the barrel will grow straps and become a normal barrel for the victim to wear. I'm glad that artist decided to use that scenario with Kokoro because it's a very unusual situation for her to be in. It has inspired a cool story for her, with some fine-tuning on one detail of the picture; why does she still have her sword? The answer is simple, she put it down before looking into the barrel thus ensuring that she still has her weapon as she roams the dungeon.

Jack Hallows

Thanks for the early Halloween theme witch picture.