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Here are s'more Vintage Con Sketches from 2000 & 2001, once again scanned from old photocopies of originals drawn on linen-finish cardstock, hence the fabric pattern on the background pencil tones. 

A few words:

This one's the spacefaring soldier iteration of "Alita" (or whichever name you prefer) seen in the final volume of the first Battle Angel Alita (or Gunmm). Come to think of it, I may have drawn more sketches of ol' Gally than any other character I didn't actually work on (as in Empowered, Dirty Pair & Gen13).

Next up, the fighting game Dead or Alive's Kasumi, one again flashing (or chira-ing) her underpants as she was so wont to do:

And finally, a mystery character from a manga and anime that was, apparently, a big frickin' deal in Japanese doujinshi circles in the summer of 2001:

Dunno who she is, but the piece worked out pretty well, IMHO.

Come to think of it, 2001 was the last year I went to any anime conventions, as I stopped getting invited to Otakon after that. IIRC, I might've attended SDCC a few times in the decade that followed, but didn't start up serious congoing again until the fateful year of 2012, when I started attending Emerald City Comic-Con and various Toronto shows.

Alas, no congoing in store for me this year. I was temporarily invited to a big anime con in the fall, but then apparently uninvited, it seems. No biggie, though, as personal circumstances would make congoing this year nigh impossible, anyway.

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, as I'm setting up this post weeks out from whenever the heck it's gonna wind up slotted.

UPDATE: In fact, Friday's post will be a Distressed Damsels-related set of CSP sketches (open to the $5+ tiers) based on $20-tier art requests. (Though I miiiight possibly do a Thursday post, unless I choose to make next week the every-weekday dealie to finish off August and kick off September, which is entirely possible.) 




Sorry to hear you won't be able to make it to any cons this year, I hope next year works out better.


Very nice vintages...Next year is gonna be con city *prays to the art gods*


Great sketches !! Hoping you'll be able to make to conventions, depending on your circumstances. Maybe open up a commission list ??


I second the motion. I've dreamed of commissioning him for many years, as far back as when I saw his art in PlayStation Magazine.


That Kasumi is top notch


Love old sketches! The third character looks SO familiar to me, but I can't place her at all (and it's driving me crazy).


Still a mystery; was vaguely hoping that someone would recognize her, but honestly didn't care enough to do an image search.