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Once again, I'm doubling up with these latest (well, latest to post) sets of life drawings from random photoref. First above is an August 2017 sketch set, followed by another, earlier set from June 2017. UPDATE #1: Nope, switched 'em around, as I thought the Empowered-oriented set from June was more striking. Note that the images based on chrome body paint were far complex and difficult to render than the ones in which I just drew my simplified concept of Emp's supersuit on a nekkid model.

Note that we've (rather a while ago) crossed an important threshold with these posts—both sketch sets are dated from the summer of 2017, meaning that the end of my once-formidable buffer of life drawings is in sight. So, folks, I might need to switch to single-set posts at some point later on in 2022. Gasp!

UPDATE #2: In fact, the single-set posting switchover draws nigh, as I have only 24 or so remaining sketch sets from the summer of 2017. If I were to continue double-set posts three times per month, I'll be all out of 'em in a bit over three months, which is a tad problematic. So, single-set posts will be happening sooner rather than later, alas. (I might up the frequency a bit, though.)

Below, enjoy the higher-res, raw and untweaked grayscale scans as PSD attachments.

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Not really sure, TBH, but as I'm rolling with every-weekday posting to finish off the month of August and kick off September, you will see something tomorrow, okay? (Well, depending on your Patron tier, that is.) 

Could we next see an update on the progress of that cyberpunky Harley Quinn variant cover? Or the earliest stages of the new, FRPG-oriented HQ cover? Or progress on the new Rose & Lily story for the $5+ tiers I'm working on? Or more Man-Thing/ Wolverine Marvel wackiness? Or something from the cache of older material I just unearthed while cleaning my studio? 

Or whatever Exclusive Bonus Content the Biggest Spenders voted to see this month? (At present, the top-secret Empowered vol. 11 deleted scene is leading the voting over a rather unusual unpublished Emp bedroom cosplay story, but a dozen or so $20-tier Patrons haven't weighed in as yet.)

No idea at the moment, as I'm scheduling this post last Thursday. Let's find out together, shall we?

UPDATE #3: In fact, Tuesday's post will be the aforementioned preview of the Rose & Lily: Flowers of Peril CSP test comic for the $5+ Patron tiers; Wednesday's post will be the Exclusive August Bonus Post for the $10 & $20 tiers, with content depending on the also aforementioned poll.



J.E. Melton

This is why your drawings of Emp are over the top and not over the top at the same time. You did the work.