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Recently unearthed a photocopy of the inks for this 1999(?) pin-up I drew for a special issue (a Summer Special, apparently) of Jeff Campbell's Cliffhanger book Danger Girl, so here 'tis!

An unusual piece, in that it was inked by Sandra Hope, who I think was the inker on the regular Danger Girl series. (Gotta crank this post out in under 20 minutes, so I'm not gonna bother looking that up.)

Not a successful piece, IMHO, though certainly not because of Sandra's inks; rather, I drew this at an unfortunate time of extreeeeeme stylization in my approach to character design, and poor ol' Abbey Chase in the foreground suffered dearly for it. (the background characters worked out much better, though.)

Side note: Not a chara design issue, but 1999 Me's depiction of Abbey's top annoys me to no end. Attempting to split the difference between a cartoony "separate bewbs visible" and a more (ahem) "realistic" approach to that top wound up being a very, very bad choice. Oh, well. (Note that she's pointing my oft-seen but extraordinarily difficult-to-draw Ruger P89 at the camera, a pistol which is another form of bad choice I'll have to discuss at some point.)

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Lessee... This weekend will see the Exclusive Monthly Bonus Post for the Biggest Spenders of the $10 & $20 tiers, though I need to set up a poll for the $20 tier to select what content that Bonus Post will cover.

Also over the weekend, I'll put up a quick "next up in August" post for all the Patron tiers that will address the content I've got in mind for next month.

And now, back to work on the final page of that Wolverine vs. Man-Thing story I'm writing & drawing for Marvel. Yay!



Joshua Wolfe

Abbey has got that Picasso meets anime look

Dean Reilly

She definitely has a touch of the big-headed look that you've mentioned in your Empowered commentaries. The top seems OK to me- certainly better than the all too common 'boob sock' look.


Wellp, IMHO you either want to go "full cartoon-y" and roll with the stylized riff of so-called "boob socks" or go for a more realistic approach; doing essentially both at the same time, as Nineties Me did here, is a no-no as far as Present Me is concerned.