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I'm a bit dubious about posting Big Two work here, so keep this to yourselves, okay? Anyhoo, here's a sneak preview of a new short story I'm writing, penciling & inking for Marvel. (I've already finished inking page 1 above, in fact, but haven't gotten around to scanning it as yet.)

I have previously drawn Laura Kinney (now aka Wolverine) as her X-23 iteration for a Marvel vs. Capcom illo, but can't say that I've ever drawn the ol' Man-Thing before. Go figure!

And now, back to inking page 2 of this deceptively epic 7-pager! (Technically, this story covers a longer timeframe than 2019's Venom: The End one-shot, which is really saying something.)

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: As usual, I'm not sure what will be slotted next, but as I have a whole bunch of material to cram into the rest of July, something will definitely be going up on Wednesday.




Dude that looks awesome. If it gets publ8shed you have a buyer!


Absolutely love the energy, it’s great to see x look like she’s absolutely going wild.


Thanks for showing all of us your Man-Thing!


There are some fun connections between "battle-damaged X-23" and Empowered's super-dead when it comes to artistic depiction. Glad to see you getting to put that sly bit of work to practice here!


This is absolutely sick. Female Wolverine is kickass! Criminal that this is only gonna be 7 pages.


What happened with that fantasy, sort of rpg story you were working on? Will that be a new comic series?

Dean Reilly

Do you know when this will be published?


Boy, it has been a long time since I have seen the Man-Thing.

The Silver Socialist

You said you showed us the last page of Volume 12 you were ever going to show before its release a while back? What the ETA of Volume 12's publication?

Joshua Wolfe

Holy cow! That looks freaking intense!


Link: https://aiptcomics.com/2022/07/19/marvel-crypt-of-shadows-1-anthology/


Yes, I'm hoping that in-development project will be a new comic series someday, but I need to massively improve my fluency in digital art production before that will be possible. In the meantime, I'm taking on other freelance work, of which this Marvel story is the first (brief) job.


The release date's been bumped back a few times by my publisher. Current timeframe looks like 1st quarter 2023; I'll have a post here at some point in the near future when the date's confirmed.


Holyshite, that first page!!