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Once again, I'm doubling up with these latest (well, latest to post) sets of life drawings from random photoref. First above is an  August 2017 sketch set, followed by another set from June 2017. UPDATE: Switched 'em around, as I thought the older set of poses was marginally more interesting and deserved the lead spot in the image gallery. Then again, that's somewhat arguable; which sketch set do you folks prefer?

UPDATE #2: Just noticed that I've apparently put up the wrong life drawing post, as update #153 is still lurking, unposted, in this site's "draft posts" section. Whoops!

Note that we've (rather a while ago) crossed an important threshold with these posts—both sketch sets are dated from 2017, meaning that the end of my once-formidable buffer of life drawings is in sight, with only two months separating 'em. So, folks, I might need to switch to single-set posts at some point later on in 2022. Gasp!

Below, enjoy the higher-res, raw and untweaked grayscale scans as PSD attachments.

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Strap yourselves in, dear Patrons, as we're rolling with every-weekday posts to finish of the month of July! Huzzah! (That said, not sure what's going in tomorrow's slot as yet, as I'm being run ragged by a Marvel story due by the end of the month; perils of not having drawn any pages in conventional comics format since that 2016 Deadpool Annual story.)



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