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Behold, the second of what will likely wind up being three or more(!) Patreon posts featuring the Work Stages on the cover illo for 2015's one-shot Empowered: Animal Style by Guest Artist John Staton and me, along with final colors on the piece by Rob "Robaato" Porter. Here's a link to part 1, BTW. 

I'm gonna need multiple posts for this Work Stages installment because I'm looking at roughly 30-35 work-in-progress jpegs lurking in this project's "COVER ILLO" folder. Ouch! Even if I skip a bunch of 'em, that's still gonna require a series of wildly overstuffed image galleries.

This time around, after tangency tweaks aplenty to the pencils for the cover, John moved on to the inks, and produced the gorgeously drawn pile o' mecha that leads off the image gallery above. Next up are my inks for the cover's supersuited Emp figure and College-Era Emp profile; note that I tried out two different takes on the figure, apparently.

In our next Work Stages post, folks, we finally move on to the coloring phase at last, in which Robaato merged the line art from John and me before  painting the whole in luxurious full color. Yay!

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Not sure, TBH, as I'm prepping this post weeks ahead of time, but something should be going up in the next M/W/F slot, okay? (After all, I do have a veritable boatload of material that needs to be posted this summer.)



Joshua Wolfe

Oh boy, that's a heck of a lot of lines to sort out.