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Last week, I posted a rather goofy-ass DiD commissioned story—or perhaps "story," more accurately—drawn 20-odd years ago that featured Kei and Y—er, Rose & Lily bedamseled by a sinister stage magician.

Wellp, whilst recently struggling to develop production momentum on Empowered vol.12, I drew a sketchy few pages of a scenario that would've dramatically improved that long-ago "story"—namely, by replacing the generic male Sinister Magician with a Zatannically costumed Sexy Sinister Magician Shasti once again victimizing our hapless heroines. Oh, no!

Initially, this was just a goofy page or two of raw, sketchy cheesecake based on magician costuming I was working on for an Empowered vol.12 Sistah Spooky variation—until I stumbled across an amusing concept.

Namely, I figured out an actual, in-universe rationale for why the heck a pair of Lucien-program genetic upgrades* like Rose & Lily—whose gene-sculpted bodies normally feature preset, fixed somatotypes—would now be sporting the curvier, notably more buxom physique that I've been using for Emp over the last few years.

(*For the uninitiated, the "genetic upgrade" bit is an SF riff I worked up for my version of the Dirty Pair, retconned into my variant continuity with the fifth miniseries.)

Yeahp, poor Rose & Lily have been "biohacked" by That Darn Shasti to make them into plusher pieces of "Shoulder Candy" (per Empverse slang).

I liked the idea of Rose's vanity and sense of competition with Lily blinding her to a wholly anomalous transformation, as seen above. Moreover, this arguably hints that the "distressverse" Rose & Lily might have a more, ah, complicated history with Shasti than the actual-continuity Lovely Angels. (Ahem.)

Ah, but I developed just enough momentum from cranking out these sketchy pages to develop some decent progress on Empowered vol.12, so this episode's been shelved indefinitely. Still, 'twas fun to briefly revisit some goofy crap that harks back to Emp's earliest days of casual, tossed-off, planning-free cheesecakery.

TOMORROW ON THIS HERE PATREON: Ehh, possibly an Empowered vol.12 update, assuming I can get some kind of Photoshop analogue up and running tonight. (Had to scan these pages with a not-long-for-this-world Windows 8 PC, as my Hot New Windows 10 machine can no longer run my ancient version of Photoshop, which was acquired 20 years ago this very month.)

TODAY OR TOMORROW FOR THE BIG SPENDERS: Still wrapping up one more sketch set based on $10 & $20-tier art reqs, so you might end up seeing your exclusive post for June in, well, July. Whoops!




(OBNOXIOUS_PEDANT) WELL ACKSHUALLY, the Lovely Angels were first referred to as Lucien Upgrades in Plague of Angels, not Fatal, and Dangerous Acquaintances had Deirdre referring to them as being "enhanced", though without elaboration.(/OBNOXIOUS_PEDANT) I have to keep track of such things, there's been commercial interest in my genetics for a while (long story) and I wanna make sure I'm not going to get jumped by time travelers (or going to have been jumped, I suppose. Grammar gets a bit tricky in such situations.) Finally, I do have to acknowledge Shasti's excellent taste.


Oh, right, Cory Emerson and all that; how could I forget? (Plus a Yuri reference to Kei possibly being a different program of upgrade, with characteristics I cribbed from an obscure cyberpunk novel whose title I’ve now forgotten.)


This biohacking reminds me of a plot point in John Ringo's "Live Free or Die" series: Johansson's Disease. Aliens drop a plague on the planet that causes females to end up blond, curvy, and hyper-fertile. Can't exactly remember the reason -- well, the internal reason, I can guess the meta-textual logic from my own day dreams -- but I think it was to derail the war effort and ensure a healthy slave count on conquest. That said, I'm suddenly thinking "Plague of Angels" in a different way should Shasti's biohackery "escape the lab" so to speak.


The way I read it, Shasti took advantage of some existing Lucien features rather than scripting a generic biomod, so (un)fortunately, an escape beyond Lucien mods would be relatively unlikely. That does allow for the possibility of Extra Thicc Cory Emerson, however.


This is magically and ( now ) genetically delicious !! ! !


Somewhere, there's some WWWA managers wondering why they didn't do that to the Lovely Angels' decoys themselves, since it would definitely make the Decoy Angels even more attractive targets/attention magnets to certain criminals. No other reason, of course.


Well, the decoys have to match the originals, or they wouldn't be very good decoys. I guess they have to go and modify Kei and Yuri to match now, purely for technical reasons of course.