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Here a few more of the (many) exploratory design sketches I did back circa 2009 for an ultimately abortive project related to the SSX snowboarding videogame series. At this (very) early point in said project's development, I was just playing around with various potential approaches to the game's familiar cast; the project was cancelled long before I ever figured out a final take on any of the characters.

Still, I had a surprising amount of fun playing around with varied character design work for a few weeks, which is something I'd never done on a sustained basis before (or since, TBH).

This time around, we're wrapping up my sketches for snowboarder Eddie, a character whom I did not care for all that much when he was first intro'd as the giant-afroed mascot of the sequel SSX: Tricky. Howeva, I was surprised to develop some fondness for the ol' stringbean over the course of five pages of design tests. 

After that, we move on to my first sketches riffing on Elise, the statuesque if not Amazonian snowboarder who was the "front woman" of sorts for the first SSX game. Next time around, we'll finish off her designs and move on to a notably more petite member of the series' cast.

TOMORROW ON THIS HERE PATREON: More Distressed Damsels content for the $5+ tiers, as usual on a Wednesday.

ATTENTION BIG SPENDERS OF THE $10 & $20 TIERS: Stand by for your monthly tier(s)-exclusive post either tomorrow or the day after, once I wrap up another Clip Studio Paint sketch set of art requests.

TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES UPDATE ON BOTH PREVIOUS NOTICES: At present, I am unable to scan images due to a Windows 10 update borking my dodderingly ancient copy of Photoshop; and guess what, g-d Clip Studio Paint won't let me scan anything, either! Awesome!

So, further posts might be delayed until I resolve these seemingly insurmountable issues, or knuckle under to Adobe and buy (well, rent) an up-to-date version of Photoshop.




I like Eddie with goggles, gives him a kinda racer/mechanic vibe. Elise looks kinda like Fairchild's sister, not a bad thing :)


Good luck with the technical difficulties! Computer updates are so obnoxious now