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Behold, the first few pages of an Empowered vol.12 scene featuring a very unusual variation of our heroine that I've dubbed "Domme Emp" (or "DominEmp," perhaps), whose experiences through the series would've been notably different... including the fact that Ocelotina clearly finds her even hotter than "vanilla Emp."

LATER TODAY ON THIS HERE PATREON: Big Spenders, stand by for your June exclusive post in, well, July. (Ongoing technical difficulties, alas; maddeningly frustrating not having a viable version of Photoshop on my Windows 10 PC, as opposed to the one-foot-in-the-grave Windows 8 machine I used to scan today's pages.)

TOMORROW ON THIS HERE PATREON: More Vintage Con Sketches, I'm thinking.




Oh, Spookums, didn't you read the warning? "Jealousy-based Ultra-curse may have multiversal side-effects."


So GOOD! The "What if...?" Emp is very cool...and scary. Heartless? Volume 12 is shaping up to be a real tour de force!


Lol poor Ocelotina can barely contain herself. Seems Emp is still her idol in this alt universe.

Sabrina Pandora

Well that's... very, VERY different than what I've been reading the past 11 volumes. I guess it was always headed here but... I have to admit, it saddens me to see her (potentially) turn into every other woman in comics. I liked when it was her pure heart and determination and compassion that were her strengths, and this seems like a pretty serious tonal shift.

A Patreon of the Ahts

I'm pretty sure that this is an alt universe Emp caused by Spooky's curse in the Emp Universe that we are familiar with...


Don't worry, I believe this is a whacky alternate universe version of Emp, not the one we know and love.

Jack Hallows

yes!! super sexy ninja tied up and gagged by emp is the best ^_____


Hahah This volume looks great! E: Lol just noticed how the guy who videoed Emps first time being bound and gagged is here to video her returning the favor in this universe

Lex of Excel

I am unofficially dubbing this version "Empress."


Fun! Tookuses is often spelled tuchuses, but I think the oo spelling might be more accessible.


Y'know, I sometimes think that it would be good for Emp to have a cross-dimensional adventure where she meets an alternate of herself that has the same powerset but that got confident right from the start.


You know, as a Doctor of Metaphysics (Earned the old-fashioned way: by sending $40 to the Universal Life Church), seeing talk about the multiversal impact of Spooky’s curse reminded me of a theory I’ve been mulling. The most direct cause of Emp’s bondage-prone status is the status of the Empowered comic itself as a bondage-oriented item, which thus makes it immediately suspect from a meta-metaversal standpoint as possibly being tied to the curse, especially since the creation of the Empowered works stems from a highly contingent series of events. We know Spooky has attempted to banish the curse at several points, we know that Emp has in fact become more confident and somewhat less bondage prone over time, and we also know that new volumes keep coming further and further apart, and that Adam keeps being hit with random difficulties in the production process both physical and creative; it is not inconceivable that those factors may be linked in some fashion. The question then becomes whether the mystically contingent factor is merely the work itself, or the embedded universe around the work necessary to render the work possible (the universe apparently predating the work could merely be an example of the well-known “Last Thursdayism” effect, wherein a universe appears with the necessary prebaked history existing within it to render itself plausible, even though it is in fact younger than it appears; for instance, the Empverse itself has a whole backstory that goes back significantly further in time than the moment of its own creation). If the latter, then, the universe in question would then exist as a created artifact of a universe that solely exists as a creation of the universe it created; a rather complex paradox that can only exist in a metastable state of being until its resolution. (Think the “Farnsworth Parabox” episode of Futurama where Farnsworth made a cardboard box that contained an alternate universe, with the alternate universe inside the box containing a cardboard box that contained the original universe because of the machinations of the alternate universe Farnsworth) Dunno how that resolves itself; possibly both universes explode or evaporate or get devoured by the Caged Demonwolf or something and Spooky wins the Lovely Angels Award For Excellence in Unintended Consequences, possibly the structure is a “reality turducken” where there are actually an infinite number of identical universes layered inside each other, and the interior ones just merge peacefully into the exterior ones, possibly some extrauniversal force shows up, straightens everything out, and gives everybody involved a stern lecture about meddling with forces beyond their comprehension, possibly it works out like the Futurama episode did and the universes end up containing themselves in the artifacts which originally contained the other universe (which I think would technically give Adam absolute power over the universe, since it would be contained inside his comic; Meta-Emp would probably advise us from experience to avoid that outcome at all costs).


She looks like a ready-to-go replacement for the 'That's My Fetish' meme image.


Confidence-Emp is so much fun. The only downside is how this might mean she never got a chance to befriend 'Jette or Thugboy. The alternate world that this concept suggests really could make for an interesting "road not travelled" exploration for Emp to consider, especially in the context of the meeting with Spooky. I'm quite interested in seeing what you're doing with the overall direction of V12. Feels like it's going to be a really fun one!

Thos. Merchant

"Lovely Angels Award For Excellence in Unintended Consequences".... This, alone, made reading this whole thing worth it! Though, it is not alone in making reading this worthy!

Dean Reilly

I've kind of hoped for a cameo from the post-apocalypse Emp briefly seen in the 'Animal Style' one-shot.

A Patreon of the Ahts

Ocelotina is glued to the chair there. Please tell me EMPress is going to spank her!

Kenneth Winkelman

Pervy Kitty girl needs a good trussing up.