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Behold, the first half of a Party of Two 12-page story conveyed via sketchy roughs, with the second, more gnarly and action-packed half to be posted tomorrow. Huzzah!

Other Party of Two posts can be found under the hashtag here.

A few words on the pages (assuming I find the time to add some text):

It's entirely possible that I might use my beloved opening page layout of "five slightly abstract panels, usually close-ups, followed by a single-panel page" to kick off every Party of Two story.

TBH, I might consider using a different variation on the familiar—arguably, too familiar—"loves me, loves me not" petal-plucking riff for the final version of this story. 

 Not sure which D&D character skill would enable the dwarf barbarian to spot the fact that the last petal would be "loves me not," but what the heck.

I quite like the last panel above's abstract transition from "daisy in daylight" to silhouetted dungeon interior; also, the idea is that the cleric has cast a Continual Light spell on the dwarf's axe to light their way through the crypt.

The rough page above doesn't look that bad, considering it fell off my drawing table and wound up being run over by my office chair. 

Note that the pose in that last page is based on a Patreon art request sketch seen a few weeks back:

Also, as seen before, here's the design sketch for the beasties they're fighting:

TOMORROW ON THIS HERE PATREON: Time for part two of this story, folks! As mentioned before, s**t gets srsly gnarly and action-intensive before we wraps things up in an incongruously warm 'n' fuzzy manner. 



Alef Carlôto

I love her sweet facial style, half Mongolian, and physically she has a body style that reminds me of Model Plus Stefania Ferrario!


The shell shield and semi-goofy faces on the hobgoblins remind me a bit of humanoid-mutated Super Mario Bros. enemies.