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Behold, the concluding half of a Party of Two 12-page story conveyed via sketchy roughs; the first half can be seen here.

A few words on the pages (assuming I find the time to add some text):

Panel 1 above indicates an interestingly uneven battleground the combatants are standing on, though this fact soon becomes less clear in the action scene that follows.

 I quite like the riff above of the hobgoblins stabbing a wholly oblivious dwarf, then losing their weapons as he charges off.

I haven't drawn a fight scene in well over a year (since I finished work on Empowered vol.11), so I gotta say that sketching this sequence was highly enjoyable for me. 

Believe it or not, I think the "morning star used against its wielder" riff above was taken from fight choreography I worked out almost 20 years ago for a Garrison-starring Battle Chasers story that never came to be. 

Time for the big finale, folks! 

I really enjoyed the idea that the half-orc has the background to understand the dwarf barbarian's "love language"—that is, how his extra-berserk raging reflects his non-articulated feelings for her. 

And that's THE END for "He Loves Me?", folks! No idea when or how this 12-pager could be translated into finished artwork, or even if I'd be the artist on it, but I definitely had fun wityh this story.

NEXT MONDAY ON THIS HERE PATREON: More life drawings, as usual. 




This is so cute strangeness !!! The action sequence was excellent!


Savage AF! Love this so much!!


Righteous Fury is a form of love as well, clearly.


Rule #1: Don't attack the berseker's girlfriend

Joshua Wolfe

That dwarf rage face in the first page is great, and I love the contrast with the sweet half orc face in the last page.

Sabrina Pandora

I knew it was coming and I laughed out loud at the punchline all the same. You've got a winner here, sir.


Awesome action scenes,always awaiting more from the main two and some insights into the rest of the cast.


That last panel is gold. Love this entire idea so much!!


Please continue with this! :heart: