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Very much short on time this mornin'—posting every g-d weekday on Patreon can be a grind, folks—so here's a hasty post with a bunch of 2002 con sketches, recently scanned  from photocopies. No bondage involved as such, but plenty of distress is involved as we see images from a class where Shasti is teaching martial arts joint locks to Kei and Yuri from my version of the Dirty Pair—though they're all wearing the classic chrome outfits designed by Yoshikazu Yasuhiko in his illustrations for the Haruka Takachiho SF novels that created the DP. 

IIRC, at least some of the moves are real ones, cribbed from one of several books I own re: chin na, a grappling-related set of skills that apparently spans many different forms of Chinese martial arts and could be considered an analogue to Japanese jujutsu

The fourth image is a damsel-in-distress sketch set based on art requests from the $20 tier. Gotta say that I am very, very easily bored with just drawing pin-uppy DiD pics; Empowered exists mostly because I was bored to tears with such pin-ups, and had to generate actual stories to power through the tedium. Not sure what the heck this means for DiD art requests going forward, though I can probably use 'em to test out new Clip Studio Paint brushes once I get my new Cintiq up and running.

TOMORROW ON THIS HERE PATREON: I'll be serializing another roughs-based Party of Two story, titled "He Loves Me?", on Thursday and Friday.  Daisies, dungeon-crawling, gnarly action scenes and differing love languages ahoy!




What might make DiD requests more interesting for you to do?


And all fun stuff to see.


Holy $#@%! You did my request! Love it :) Sad to hear that these are boring you but I could see it getting old. Is it DiD stuff in general that is starting to bore you, or just the quick sketch style pieces?


More like the latter; doing pin-uppy DiD pieces of random characters doesn't do much for me, at least at the present.


I'm not sure anything CAN be done, to be honest; I'll have to think about the matter further.


Well for what its worth, your boredom doesn't show in the quality. I write, and when I am uninspired my work is absolute rubbish. I could definitely see how a sketch style request setup could get pretty dry. Stories(even simple ones) do seem to make DiD more interesting, but short of sequentials or comic styled affairs, you don't get that. In any case, I really appreciate you working on my request!


The Spooky pic reminds me of the look of pure MURDER on her face after Emp pointed the ARR! idiots at her in canon. Oh, Emp's going to regret that... hahahah.


Hmm so more story driven illustrations tickle your fancy then? Collective brainstorming with focus in mind...*pondering with intent*


Yeah, but I'd have to do the initiating of such narrative concepts. Believe me, I have even less interest in drawing someone else's story ideas; that's why I've never worked as an artist on another writer's script since I became a pro.


of course you'll lead the bus to creativille, we'd be just throwing in suggestive narrative detours if you decide to take them...i hears ya loud and clear

Otaku Twenty-Four Seven

Maybe a sequence of patreon votes? Like choice of characters for the first vote, setting for the next, then choice of what happens to them, kinda like those good-old choose your own adventure books I remember from my childhood that I never ever went back on and looked up the page number for the choice I didn't take honest *cough*


Love the dialogue in the con sketches, fun~ Sorry to hear that DiD is getting boring, but perhaps it'll allow you to expand and develop more as an artist and writer.