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Wellp, art requests are gonna be tough to handle this month, so time to get started with you fine folks of the $5 tier! Though I'm (still) hoping to get more serious about working digitally in Clip Studio Paint in December, I will definitely try to work in your art-request subjects on the side, or as integral parts of those ongoing CSP tests.

So fire away with any character suggestions or situation requests you might have, oh $5 elite! Could my own characters, or other characters, or more iterations of material I've already drawn here (including the damsel-y sort, I suppose, given that this is the tier where that content becomes available). Come to think of it, this could branch out beyond simple character choices to, I dunno, something broader for me to mess around with using CSP. Scenes or settings from earlier projects? Animals? (I have an animal-heavy episode coming up in Empowered vol.12, looks like.) Trees? Environments? Cars (God forbid)? Life drawing subjects? Robots? 

SIDE NOTE: This is something I'll likely ask of all the Patron tiers at some point, but I thought I'd start here. See, Patreon just enabled "pinned posts," in that I can select a specific post to show up first when anyone looks at this account.

My question for you: Is there any particular type of Patreon post (or even a specific, singular one) that proved especially appealing to tempt you into signing up? (I'll likely convert the pinned post into an "open to the public" version, for whatever that's worth.) Empowered previews? Art-request sketch dumps? Work stages? DiD material? Failed-Project Friday? Lemme know, if you don't mind!



You did the lovely post of poor Emp getting bound by tape drones, but she never got fully mummified. I'd personally love to see a full mummy/cocoon treatment for EMP, whether its auto tape drones, bandages or cyba-spinnaz! Just my horrible thoughts :)

Frank Innes

Emp indignantly refusing to twerk. Probably also annoyed that the camera has snuck behind her again. Also a possible concept for a future request post: Maybe do a set that's a big ol' fight, and people suggest who they'd like to see scrapping and/or particular scenes that could be rip^H^H^H homaged?


I think an Empowered preview would be a nice Eye Catch for the pin. I was originally drawn in by the tantalizing drawings and stayed for the story.

K. D. Bryan

Since you asked about animals, I'd be intrigued to see your Lockjaw or perhaps Lockheed.


Note that she was cocooned thusly for a few pages back in the EMP vol.3 story "A.R.R.!": http://www.empoweredcomic.com/comic/volume-3-page-71

David Stanley

I would like to see your take on Olivier Armstrong from FMA.

e-reptile disfunction

Always after more were-giraffe by night. Displeased emp is always fun. Maybe trying to squeeze into (OR just saying no way to) one of the Knight Sabers' undersuits?

Joe Crawford

I think you're doing great! Not a dud in the bunch this past month for me.


Well, if you want a challenge in terms of background environments, I’ve pulled together a few options. Liberty Square and Post Office Square are two streetscapes in Boston with wildly variant building facades, a complicated street grid, heavy vehicular and pedestrian traffic, statuary, foliage, and interesting shadow patterns. Also, the areas are both called squares, but neither of them is actually square (Liberty’s a triangle with somewhere between four and six sides and Post Office is a curved rhombus). For reference, look at Google Street View for 63 Kilby Street in Boston for Liberty Square or 100 Congress Street for Post Office Square, unless you want to go with the advanced/masochistic option of driving out there yourself. Option B is Carhenge®, a Freelance Police-worthy tourist trap out in deepest Nebraska that’s exactly what it sounds like; replica Stonehenge, only every stone is actually a vintage automobile with a coat of spraypaint. For reference purposes, they have a website with a number of photos from different angles. You dodge the cityscape (given that the whole thing’s in an open field in the middle of nowhere), but have fun drawing 39 separate cars, all in odd positions with quirky shading and shadows! If you actually want to do something with one of the backgrounds, I’d suggest smashing the place up, for cathartic reasons if nothing else, with a good old fashioned super fight/Lovely Angel fight/giant robot fight/cavalry shootout between a bunch of clones of yourself (comedy option in case you lose a bet/get trapped in Adam Warren’s Kubert School Hell ™/get yourself bedamseled and held at VORPP/blaster point)/what have you.


Emp in librarian costume or ripped supersuit in a charity dunk tank with thugboy lining up to throw, he's somewhat regretful, doesn't want to embarrass his beloved but equally wants to see her drop, and it is for charity! Feel free to postpone this to a later month, it's probably quite complex, or edit down the idea. As to the pinned post, peeps probably come here due to Empowered , maybe make a collage post of all the best Empowered related art requests and a few from really well known fandoms so people get a taste of what they could be involved in. Alternately any of the DiD posts would probably do it 👍 Merry Christmas Adam!


Since you said animals, I'd love to see you draw a Corgi (my favorite dog breed), perhaps with Thugboy? I wonder if he would melt when faced with a cute puppy. For a pinned post, anything Empowered might be good.

Jack Hallows

i well go with this https://www.dropbox.com/s/olcn6ohdmbd6239/ninjette%20and%20emp%20tied%20to%20chair.png?dl=0 two bff bounding time together


More of a straight-up giraffe, really, but I did draw him this AM. Will post that in a sketch dump later in the month.


And a Merry one to you as well! That IS a pretty complex suggestion, so I'd likely have to postpone it; feel free to bring it up again in a future month if I forget.

Wayne W

Ninjette in a silhouette business suit.


Gave Liberty Square a stab, with dubious results. Well, I'll keep trying "archisketching" further in the future.

Scott S

Have you ever drawn Panda from Jason Pearson’s ‘Body Bags’?