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(The first 4pp of this story fragment can be seen here. ) 

From 2003 or thereabouts, here are the pages 4-7 of a commissioned DiD story featuring Dirty Pair's Yuri winding up in a most distressing situation. Had a li'l more direction than usual with this one, as the commissioner in question wanted something featuring, well, a tight skirt, after a recent con sketch along those lines had caught his eye. 

Notes below:

Behold, stripcuffs that confirm their locked status! No doubt they're wired into an internet of (bondage) things, too; gotta say, such "smart restraints" would make escape artistry rather more difficult in an SF environment.

Re: panel 3: Yeah, that's rather more cheesecake that I would've shown in a "real" DP story. (Well, maybe.)

Yuri's unusual slouched pose in that "chair-tie" is derived from an older commissioned DiD piece (which I'll likely post here, someday), which in turn was based on an image supplied by a commissioner who wanted me to replicate this shot from an issue of DC's Constantine book Hellblazer:

That is a really different damsel pose, gotta say.

Next week, we close out the incomplete story fragment that is Bizsuit Microskirt Blues. Bonus material will include the manga page that inspired Yuri's scandalous office attire, as well as the scandalous Empowered outfit that was in turn inspired by this wacky episode—or at least by the bizsuit's microskirt.

TOMORROW: Time for another half-chapter of I Am Empowered, the (likewise incomplete) Twitter-format prose experiment!



Otaku Twenty-Four Seven

That hellblazer image is less of a damsel pose and more of a stress position if you ask me, sure she's unconscious but you'd either be fully slumped or maintain an equilibrium with gravity in a seated position, like you have with the bedamselled Yuri there... Great work though and looking forward to next week's already


Quite the interesting story for our poor Yuri, we'll see how it goes!


It makes me laugh that even in a hostage situation, in her _own head_, Yuri goes with 'fudge' instead of swearing. No wonder her 'evil clone' in "Fatal But Not Serious" was so wound up and repressed, until she went *sproing*. That is one big ball-gag. Lovely level of cheesecake overall.


Is she struggles too hard the only thing she'll be escaping is her top. Man, this is nice!