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Six months or so ago, I showed you some fairly cryptic roughs for a pair of Gen13 sample pages, starting with this "action page" of the superteam in costume:

 Wellp, these roughs were intended to be samples finished by the great Jeffrey "Chamba" Cruz, who worked with me on 2019's Venom: The End one-shot for Marvel. Here's Chamba's pencils for that page:

 ...and his delightful colors for that same page:

The other sample page was a generic conversation scene taking place at the team's old La Jolla HQ, clearly based on Frank Lloyd Wright's famous house Fallingwater:

Here are Chamba's pencils for that page:

 ...and again, his fine colors for that page:

Wellp, at the time I was talking to an editor at DC about a potential new Gen13 miniseries, and wanted to see if I could get 'em to consider Chamba as the artist for that project, or for the artist's role on any other project out of that office.

So, a bit over five months ago, I submitted a very long proposal and synopsis to the aforementioned DC editor for a wildly ambitious and over-the-top Gen13 miniseries. Alas, I never heard back from said editor, including in response to monthly, increasingly plaintive "just checking in!" follow-up emails, so it's safe to say that we now have yet another Failed Project on our hands. Yay! (I should email Chamba sometime to see if he ever heard anything back on other DC projects, but I'm not holding my breath about that.)

Meanwhile, in happier news, I am 29-odd pages into the roughs for the second, oversized issue of writing-only fantasy project Godplayers, aka Unidentified Fantasy Offering here on Patreon; I'm reasonably hopeful that I might be able to wrap up work on issue #2 before the end of the month. Now, that would be worth a proper "Yay!," folks!

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?




There are no failures, all your stuff is awesomeness


That's a shame it didn't go anywhere, but still neat to hear that you've been seeing what can be done out there!


Yay! Shame about the Gen 13 project though.

Kevin J. Maroney

I suspect this might just be too visually cartoony for the current DC vision, which is a bloody shame. They don't seem to have much willingness to go outside the somewhat somber house style more for than 1 or 2 titles a month. But these are a great fit for GEN13, extremely expressive in a teens-in-action way. Sigh.