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Time for s'more Vintage Con Sketches from 1999, scanned from photocopies of mediocre quality at best. First off, a touch of Life Drawing on this sketch of Dirty Pair's Kei and Y**i:

...as I strongly suspect that the shading on their bodies was derived from a Japanese gravure photo shot from some seinen magazine.

Next up, an even more unusual backlit take on Kei, in a different (civilian-wear) top for once:

This might've been photoref-based as well, as you rarely see such lighting in my work from that long-ago time. Next up, an FRPG-based pic that's probably not photoreffed:

...though the elf girl's pose is one I have seen plenty of times in gravure photography; in fact, I'm pretty sure I have exactly such a twisty pose lurking on my tablet's camera roll right now.

Finally, a serious change of pace:

...with a swimming Xenomoph commission that must've been derived from similar imagery in 1997's Alien: Resurrection. Definitely a rarity in mon oeuvre, folks!

Anyhoo, on to work on this week's project! After laying out all 48 pages of writing-only fantasy project Unidentified Fantasy Offering (aka its real title, Godplayers) issue #2 last week, this workweek I'm looking to break ground on a new introductory story for other fantasy comic The Chaste and the Chained; this, likewise, will be a writing-only dealie for another artist to handle. Yay?

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?




That first Dirty Pair shot is real nice. 3rd pic elf girl makes me wonder how her legs are fitting, though.

ben aka nekomilk

I dig the hell outta that xenomorph. That f***er's sick.