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UPDATE: This g-d post was supposed to go up on Wednesday morning, but I accidentally posted it today instead of scheduling the damn thing as originally intended. I suppose I could delete this post and try again, but screw that. So, enjoy an ahead-of-schedule Wednesday Life Drawing installment, dear Patrons!

No time for a new Life Drawing set this week, so I transferred over another early-ish Clip Studio Paint test from the ol' iPad:

Alas, I apparently did not yet know that my increasingly favored Design Pencil brush would not work very well at all in the PC/Cintiq version of CSP.

Once again, looks like I was rendering with too small a size setting on the Design Pencil tool, as my "squiggly line" approach looks unusually pronounced; a larger brush size helps counteract that perception a tad, I've found. In any event, note that all my pencil rendering is effectively done with back & forth "squiggling," whether in analog or digital media; sometimes the effect just works out better than other times.

Anyhoo, onward to a scheduled hour's worth of worktime on those "Elf vs. Chair" roughs from The Chaste and the Chained, folks (even as I hope to start talking to some prospective artists this month about possibly tackling the series, as I certainly won't be drawing any stories myself)!

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?



Kevin J. Maroney

I like the particularity of the face of the woman in the top row, middle.