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Here's an update of sorts for long-burbling fantasy project The Last Party, as this weekend I cranked out a photoreferenced sketch of the group's three ladies in a swimsuit-y situation. I ran outta both worktime and patience with rendering the Half-Elf's time-consuming hair, so I pulled the plug at the point seen below:

I was trying to differentiate their physiques and body types here, even though the chicas in the photoref were fairly identical. Didn't quite show the Mage as lean and ripped as she's supposed to be, but their relative scales worked out okay.

Here's a work-in-progress screenshot from my tablet

Jumping back to February, an analog-media sketch set:

 And a partial one, featuring one of the Half-Elf Paladin's many, many armors opened up, Shirow Landmate-style:

 A few months ago, I tried working on that Last Party sample page rough from last year in iOS CSP (with the Design Pencil tool), but lost interest quickly:

 Compare to this analog pencil render on the same page from last year, which I discontinued after my drawing hand seemed to have been set on fire:

I am, TBH, beginning to wonder if I'll be able to draw this g-d project (or any other fantasy comic, really) at all, given how much trouble I'm having with these sample pages. The complete loss of interest I experience when trying to produce finished sample artwork seems unpromising, to put it mildly.

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?




I concur,try not to stretch yourself to thin,also robot hand =no issues(just maintenance and upkeep,lol


The samples look awesome so far, but if your heart's just not into it it's understandable.