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[Here's a link to our previous installment in this series.]

So, yeahp, I'm serializing my insanely tight layout pages for the 2005 Marvel miniseries Iron Man: Hypervelocity, the first issue of which I wrote and laid out long before an artist had been chosen;  of course, the great Brian Denham wound up tackling the art for the project, but I had already rolled with these time-consuming roughs out of, I dunno, sheer perfectionism and unhinged micro-managing.

Either that, or these layouts represented the sum total of artwork I actually wanted to produce for this project. As I've noted here before, cranking out finished artwork is the bane of my g-d existence as an artist; I like (or even occasionally love) drawing loose, relatively spontaneous comic pages like this, but bog down toute suite upon having to painstakingly render my usual tight and precise completed artwork.

Even though we're coming up on the 20th anniversary of Hypervelocity's creation, I am loath to publicly acknowledge to non-Patrons that I'm serializing these layouts here, hence the "Old SF-Adjacent Project" monicker.

Anyhoo, onward to Hypervelocity issue #3's pages 12 through 17:

Uh oh!

Time for largely meaningless "for position only" bursts of random languages! (IIRC, for the published version I eventually checked with a translator so that the untranslated texts were meaningful, but that wasn't the case in the layout stage.)

No idea if the reference to erotic asphyxiation made it into the published version. BTW, here's my "image board" collage that I referenced for Absynthe's design:

Onward to the next layout page:

Absynthe's dialogue gets really, really harsh in these layouts; I assume I must've watered that down for publication, but I'm not sure. (Nor do I care enough to go check, TBH.)


Yeahp, as you might guess, panel 2's Absynthe image is a reference to the famous Goya painting. 

Wellp, this is a fine point to pause serialization, as we move on to a new scene with page 18, which you'll see in another two weeks or so.

 NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?



Dave Van Domelen

Yeah, the autoerotic asphyxiation was removed and the whole "Tony's a kinky slut" aspect was toned way down. (All but one of the black-bar words was removed.) "Then again, between your pathetic ALCOHOLISM and all-too-frequent CONCUSSIONS...perhaps you've come to APPRECIATE a little BRAIN DAMAGE, haven't you? Such a TWISTED little puppy you are...!" Also, the Goya riff was pretty much lost in translation.


I saw that Goya ref!