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No time for a new Life Drawing set this week (as I continue to work on the script for the 48-page first issue of Unidentified Fantasy Offering), so I transferred over another very early Clip Studio Paint test from the ol' iPad:

Overall, a pretty solid set, though the fairly severe limitations of my entirely "squiggle-based" approach to rendering are pretty clear; srsly, with all these tones I'm just waggling the Apple Pencil back and forth in a series of, well, squiggles. Later on, I did end up using the Tilt function for applying broader swaths of tones, but I find that mode doesn't allow for much in the way of tonal variation, so it's no panacea for my ongoing rendering issues.

Gotta say the pose at lower right is pretty interesting, especially the way the model's shoulder blades are catching the light; might have to revisit that piece of photoref sometime!

Anyhoo, back to Unidentified Fantasy Offering scriptin', as I'm on my last three pages of "panel descriptions," the most time-consuming (and to me, annoying) part of the task. Still have 25-30-odd pages worth of dialogue left to handle, though; nonetheless, I'm hoping to wrap up the script and tighten up my page roughs by the end of the week. Yay?

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?




This set does look a lot rougher than most, yeah. That 'squiggle' approach to blame, I bet.